Reviews for You Make Me Crazy
Lolasonya27 chapter 1 . 8/14/2014
I fucking•love•this a shame you never continued
byesorryguys chapter 7 . 8/5/2007
I read the last chapter so does that mean Liberty and Toby are together?...I'm guessing so..hehe
coco tapioka chapter 7 . 2/24/2005
NO! No! It can't be over! You need to update! Pretty, pretty please!
jasmonet chapter 7 . 12/27/2004
Oh this was way cute. I didn't read it for a long time cuz I knew it was gonna be a Toby/Liberty thing, but I am glad I read it now. I still love JT/Liberty together, but now I like Toby/Liberty together too!
E chapter 1 . 7/1/2004
Ni. we found a house were waiting for a reply my mom said to ask you to pray for us ok ...



by the way i love your story!
Isis Aurora Tomoe chapter 7 . 6/16/2004
You're doing such a great job posting! You post so quickly, so I'm not left hanging for months. It's great, seriously! You're quite talented. After this story is done, I hope to see a lot more in the future.
Sanalicious chapter 7 . 6/15/2004
This story is so good keep up up the up dating
Dreamer464 chapter 7 . 6/15/2004
So good.
darkstorm5000 chapter 7 . 6/15/2004
Looks like Liberty's got some pretty major decisions to make. I can't wait to see if she makes the right one...
Kitty Kat chapter 7 . 6/15/2004
Awe yay!
naisha chapter 6 . 6/15/2004
omg! *slaps self* must stop saying omg! i loved it! it's like reading one of those romance novel except yours wasn't cheesey! i was hanging on to every word i read. i felt the emotions! BUt why in everything that is evil did u leave a cliff hanger like that? u must post the next chapter tomorrow!
darkstorm5000 chapter 6 . 6/14/2004
Another great chapter! Wonder what JT has to say?
Nikki chapter 6 . 6/14/2004
Cool story! Keep up the good work!
Evablue chapter 6 . 6/14/2004
You ever heard that song "You had me from 'hello' "?. Well, this chapter brings that song to mind. With this part: "The thing about walking with someone you don’t want to admit you like is that you always have to look at them. No matter what. You always have to sneak that subtle glance at them, a glance that you realize too late could become a stare. The only problem with said stare is that you always get caught.". It set the mood up so perfectly and it made me laugh. Because it is really true. You look (because you can't help it) and you always get caught (because the gods hate you). You just picked a great way to start off...

Liberty and Toby's characters were spot on again. It was nice to see Liberty tripping all over herself (literally at times). This also made me laugh: "The way he was looking at her. Like she was an angel." Liberty has Toby's number, alright.

Also, the second kiss was great, too! I'm really not liking you right now! You've left me very conflicted (kudos to you!). I'm not exactly sure which couple I should be rooting for or liking. Toby's words were heartbreaking *and* excilarating. You're written this conflicting, scrambled world of emotions so well.

I've said it before and I'ma sayin' it again (cause isn't is so convincing coming after something like *that*): You are a wonderful writer. I love your story and cannot wait to read more.

BTW, the ending of the chapter? Yes, I do believe you are quite evil. :)
Isis Aurora Tomoe chapter 6 . 6/14/2004
Holy Mother of pearl! Great cliffie! Always leave the reader wanting more, huh? You go! It's really fun to read, and your spelling and grammar are on point, as well as your character development. *wipes tears* I'm proud, really. Keep it up dearie!
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