Reviews for Snogs Galore ! chapter 11 . 3/29/2015
This was so entertaining, even though I was mainly following Draco and Ginny. I was really sad to see that it's incomplete...I hope you decide to finish this soon...please!
winterqween chapter 11 . 3/4/2012
why did you stop!
MitchCodyandLoliver chapter 11 . 9/2/2010
great work.


draco and zabini especially,

update soon!
xfictionfanx chapter 11 . 7/26/2009
please update !

can't wait to find out what happened.

JessicaRi Slytherinprincess chapter 11 . 6/2/2009
will u please just continue! its killing me not knowing what will happen!

love it

Muggle Minx chapter 11 . 3/16/2007

Oh! waht happens next, such a great story so far! update pls!

Calimocho chapter 11 . 8/14/2006
Wow I wish that you had continued this ff... it's not only a good read... but also very funny. Good job... Liz
juliette-zabini chapter 11 . 3/20/2006
do you hate the world? why would you hide your glaringly obvious talent...please share it; UPDATE ALREADY
whoopsy daisies chapter 11 . 2/22/2006
right, it's established that you are capable of leaving your readers hanging (i grew a foot just hanging man!) humour has deteriorated! UPDATE or, or,..OR YOU'LL NEVER GET BUTTERBEER! ha!

rite, supremely lame, but please consider reviewing...pretty please
debarie chapter 1 . 1/25/2006
So far it's very interesting, but I'm not sure if you know or not, but Draco and Ginny are related. They're actually cousins. Molly Weasley is a Black and Draco's mother is Black. They are not on talking terms because Molly is a pureblood traitor in the eyes of the Malfoy's.
TequilaKiss chapter 11 . 1/13/2006
Uhh..wehre's the rest? lol More please!


P.S. Your totally on my fave list with this one! So please do hurry up and update! Thanks! ]
daemoninwhite chapter 10 . 8/9/2005
Ok, this is my proper review. (aka, the this-time-I'm-acutally-allowed-on-the-computer review.)

Oh my lord! I love this fic! It's funny (not too sure about the slash though, just skip those bits) and it's fluffy, and it's deffiantly the best BZ/HrG fic I've read. I dislike it what people have Basil as some Slytherin that just stays in the library and keeps to him self, I just don't think he'd be like that, I think he be more like what you've got him. You've got Hermione good too, most people don't get the 'balence.' Draco's not too ooc, which is good, because I hate it when people have him as just someone that never disliked the Weasley's, because that's a load of bluu sh- sugar.

Anyway, if you know any other good Hr/B fics could you please email me? My computers stuffing up at the moment and it won't let me search properly.

All considered, excellent fic!

daemoninwhite chapter 11 . 8/8/2005
Hey, this is a really funny fic!

Ok, I'm not realy a slash fan. bu this is ok. I just skip some parts, and hope to pick up the story!

Nuh, I don't really, though I do skip some parts, but don't stop wiritng because of me. This is an excellent fic!

Please update soon!

I'mDistracted chapter 11 . 8/7/2005
i love this story! you must have shot me with an arrow. more. More. MORE!
Pretty Krity chapter 11 . 6/15/2005
Its a really good story. but r u gonna finish it?
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