Reviews for Briar's journey
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 27 . 3/26/2019
Tris getting drunk on her magic is possibly the best twist I have seen so far in this story. But for a bunch of mid-20s mages who have been through wars and university, and who live in a time when marriage and sex, therefore adulthood, begin early, they sure are acting like kids.
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 26 . 3/26/2019
I have to ask - when was the last time you reread the Circle books? It is very odd that Briar hates plants. They drain his power? We know from Briar's Book that Briar can send power into plants, but as ambient mage he receives power and energy from plants as well - in fact, he receives it unconsciously, whereas he sends power into plants consciously. In addition, he is a very strong mage and beloved by plants. It would have to be a very strong mage who can overpower Briar, and a very corrupted plant that can avoid liking Briar and actively wanting to help him - they would probably be shoving their life-forces into him if they thought he were dying.

This is actually possible, but it wasn't mentioned in the story specifically or clearly enough, if it were intended.
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
I have been enjoying this story for what it's worth, but this chapter has got some definite inconsistencies. Sandry says they're not killers? At this point - it is after The Will of the Empress - all of them have killed, willfully (Tris the pirate fleet, Briar so many people in Yanjing, Sandry the unmage and his cohorts, Daja that arsonist). Daja makes a wall of arrows? Fun, I agree, but these four have been through enough battles to know that they ought to have one of Sandry's magic shields up - much more effective than any other shield. Given how riled up they were they were also much more likely to storm off from the banquet hall; now that they have a dimension pocket in Pinenut, they needn't even pause for supplies, and three or even two of them could very well keep off that entire horde. Sandry has been known to strip people naked and string them up in their own clothes - could she not have tripped up these mages and soldiers? And, really, Briar (and the girls) turned down Empress Berenene who was far more of a spoiled, powerful woman than the Duchess of Zhentree; why are any of them even giving that woman the time of day?

I haven't seen enough of Sandry, to be honest. Tris is visible only as a victim, and that is odd, considering that she is the strongest of the four.

There is a good plot here somewhere and the writing isn't bad, but I'd say you need a good beta to hammer out the grammar and fix some plot holes or off-characterizations.
uvb1987 chapter 27 . 12/21/2015
Brilliant story, when is the next part comming?
mombook chapter 27 . 5/26/2013
I love how the storys going please don't stop wouldent it be nice if bryer and tris had a romance. Thoes two belong to each other both need that love that heals the naglected heart
jsnfkwsnhgkirndjkfdkdmnd chapter 27 . 6/5/2012
Omg this story is amazing! One of the best Circle fics ive read so far. :)
jsnfkwsnhgkirndjkfdkdmnd chapter 2 . 4/28/2012
Good job!
Rose chapter 15 . 2/25/2012
What's the deal with the LION KING references? Good story though.
Booker10 chapter 26 . 1/8/2012
U updated!:))) Holy Miracles!:)))) Will u update again?

loveretriever chapter 26 . 12/18/2011
Hmm, interesting turn so far.

I hope you continue this as it will be interesting to see what happens next :)

Great ideas you have going here!

Although at times the spelling and grammar does make it a bit hard to read (I can understand what you mean, just takes me a bit and I substitute what I think/know you meant to say for what's written).

Other than that, it's a great piece :)
loveretriever chapter 15 . 12/17/2011
This is a great story so far!

Although your occasional grammar and spelling mistakes do not detract from the overall reading, your plot is wonderful!

I hope you continue (I am about halfway through? so I shall read more later when I have time...) but I am not sure if you are done or not since this piece isn't marked complete.

I hope you have continued writing since and I look forward to the rest of this exciting work!

I really enjoy how you write Tris and Briar (they are my personal favorite characters..*sigh*)

Anyway, great job and be confident! Keep up the good work! :D
crow44 chapter 26 . 10/17/2011
the story is a great one [curse you for such a long time to update] the plot is incredibly good and just re readable please continue
Puppkid chapter 26 . 10/14/2011
So happy to see the latest update! Liking this chapter quite a bit. :) Can't wait to see what happens next.
Blown chapter 26 . 10/10/2011
This is an amazing story, I'm so glad there's an update, even if it was short. Interesting what is happening to Sandry, she's getting special treatment, like Briar. Great job, flawless writing. Just a bit short.
radiant garden chapter 25 . 4/6/2011
oh. my. STARS!

I love this fanfiction.

I am begging you to update!
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