Reviews for Her Stomach as my Pillow
Ria chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
riya chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
oh wow soo cuteeeeeeee...:)
PotterwatchMachine chapter 1 . 7/24/2009
Please write more! That was really interesting and I love your writing style! I would love more about the pregnancy, and Ranma actually seeing the baby. That would be cool...Update soon! Please?

Mikay Cullen
bluewitch chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
This is very romantic! Lovely!
kogas-angel chapter 1 . 9/18/2005
AWW I luved that one, probably one of the best oneshots i've ever read and I dont read many was great, bravo bravo!
Lunar Ember chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
great concept. _ a comment though -

"It’s not just the smell of sex..." maybe a word that isn't as strong/sharp as 'sex' would do better? then again, ranma isn't exactly your next-door shakespere...

other than that, i like this story. good work. write more, practice more - you've got more than just potential.
Cassio chapter 1 . 8/25/2005
Wow, this one-shot was very, very nice. It was short, precise and intense just for just what Ranma has to say. I found the translation Aseram did in spanish and saw you made it in english originally, so I read it. Keep writing, you seem to have a special talent to write special moments.
Snwy.Leopard chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
nicely done, i like it a lot! great work )
Teresa3 chapter 1 . 3/26/2005
Hi! Is't me again, I know that you don't remeber who, but I sent you a review, asking for your permission to translate it this oneshot, here a copy:

"Ahh! How sweet and loving! a good fic Ranma POV, and you are right, this fic hardly have lime scented, but that not involve that not be really good. How you must be note, my first language isn't english, is spanish. I'm mexican, and one of my hobbies is read fics, in english and spanish, and yours(this and harsh reality and the lies we told) really like me (when a fic seem me good enought I seek for anothers from hte same author), that lead to my second hobby, I translate fics to spanish, and I want your permission for translate both fics. if this interest you let me know, there is my e-mail, and I tell you all details about this."

Now, I know you give your permission to another girl to translate it "harsh reality and the lies we told", so I won't insist in that. But I really want traslate it "Her stomach as my pillow". I won't take the credit for the fic, I just want translate it to share it with other fans who don't read in english. I could send you a mail with all details about this. What do you think?

Please answer me.
thechickenlittle chapter 1 . 2/3/2005
very sweet and cute!
Ice Dagger chapter 1 . 1/30/2005
OMG! That was so cute! I love how detailed your accounts were. Ranma and Akane both mature, which is really good. A lot of people forget that when people get older, they mature. You've portrayed them very well.
Raver Styx chapter 1 . 1/11/2005
You are a serious genious. This fic touched me deeply.

So sweet...
Lady Amarra chapter 1 . 11/8/2004
one of the best Ranma stories I read since a really, really long time. I only can say, you are a great writer...
Doctor Emmit Brown chapter 1 . 9/27/2004
I quite liked this. Though, I'm not sure if I'd use it as a outline for a story. Rather, I think I'd keep it as chapter one, and continue from there. Check in on them again later in the pregnancy, at the birth, and when they finally return home (if they do at all of course). Either way, this was a very nice story, and I hope you continue it someday.

bsdisaster chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
Very good. I don't know if you plan to, but I think it would be worth it to continue the story (the way you said at the end). Nothing to comment on in detail.
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