Reviews for Illiud Latine Dici Non Potest
Guest chapter 5 . 5/5/2018
I love this!
KiTsuHiTo chapter 5 . 9/1/2011

i know it's been years since u last updated..but please!u have to continue!there's only like two story which pairing is about kikuchi and yoshikawa!so please!CONTINUE!i'll be honest that this is not the first time i read this story..but at that time..i was still quite young n my english is not that i don't really understand the story..but now..once i reread it again..I'M HOOKED!i definitely know that this story has a very strong potential!so please!CONTINUE!so i'm going to put it in my favorite n author alert...HS for reading this longgggg comment!but please do read it..n update..D i'll be waiting for it
ranchan-akari chapter 5 . 12/2/2009
And...then? MORE PLEASE! You'd think this fandom would be larger because of the sheer awesome that is GTO, but surprisingly, it's TINY. And the number of Kikuchi/Yoshikawa is even smaller. You're going so well! Please continue?
TeaRStrEak chapter 5 . 3/7/2007
You'll probably never update this, but I'll still favorite it )
Lovely Spell chapter 1 . 11/26/2006
ok i'm adding this to my favs cause its the only shonen-ai one on this thing... but so far i couldn't make it through half of it... its a little slow... i dunno... maybe it'll pick up or maybe all the turkey is making me sleepy... w/e... i'll read it and review...
Grey Fox chapter 5 . 8/23/2006
O!o!Please continue it's so hard to find GTO yaoi and since this is my favorite pairing.E-mail me when you do!_
KittyBlue chapter 5 . 7/28/2006

I'm just now discovering the crazyness of GTO.. *still in the middle of the anime* And I kind of got fixated on KikuchixYoshikawa.. and this is the only yaoi/s-ai that I found! After hours of searching! :'(

I'm really liking the story so far, looks SO promising.. I really hope that you update! ;)

Oh if you have any yaoi GTO reccs.. please guide me! )
clown eyes chapter 5 . 6/9/2006
i hope you continue this story-it's the only shounen ai GTO fic that i've found (not that i've looked very hard.)

anyway, it was surprisingly very good, even though from the plotline it seems like it will take awhile to get to the yaoi (i don't mind that, i'm pokey in getting to yaoi in my stories as well)

i would like to compliment you on your writing of kanzaki and kikuchi. (and you said you made some of it up? amazing!)
Talia chapter 5 . 5/2/2006
sigh their was bairly any shonen-ai at all except forslight traces. this was sad because you not updating anymore. I hope that some time some where you'd remember this and finish because this is the only fic here with the couple zI like
Ryu chapter 5 . 3/9/2006
It's been a long time since you've updated this fic. I hope to see another chapter~ If you did post another chapter elsewhere, please, share the link?

I really like your writing and i hope to see more! ]
miss-cold chapter 5 . 11/22/2005

update update update! e!

i lovoe this fic! The characters are so fun! The potential couple so cute!

*drools and offers Kikuchi cookies and Yoshikawa plushies*


cpack chapter 5 . 8/25/2005
I dunno why you stopped posting chapters to this story. It certantly couldn't have been from the lack of reviews that you have cause you have tons of them. Please loved this story and now there is no more. I am soo sad. I hardly ever read these kinds of stories (I am a hard core shoujo-ai fan myself _~) But I saw the characters and I knew I just had to read. I it was getting good and *poof* No more chapters since MARCH! Do I need to tell you that I would REALLY LIKE for you to update this story... Don't give up on it... don't let it DIE! that was a little too emotional but I think you got my drift... not that you will listen to little ol me... but hey I figured that it my be worth a try.

ja matte hopefully till next time,

Dive To Dream Sea chapter 5 . 7/2/2005
CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE! lol sorry, i was just smiling alot and i loved how you wrote out the characters. you're story made me smile and i can't for the next chapter. bye.
Isabelle Adamowitz chapter 5 . 6/26/2005

Finally, an anime fic with Latin in it! (hehe, I've had four years of it and my parents think I've been brainwashed when I suddenly answer in that language...) Well, looking forward to more! (humhum, greed...) Keep on writing

MoonLLotus chapter 5 . 6/17/2005
Cute so far. I can't wait until you update
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