Reviews for Warrior, I am
Nesmikkuma chapter 9 . 6/26
I came back after fourteen years to see if it was updated but alas
Guest chapter 9 . 3/1/2019
It’s a full on tragedy that this was never finished

I read this as it came out and here I am, 2019, wishing I could finish it. Hah hab
Guest chapter 9 . 6/29/2017
One of the best Yuffie/KH pics out there - please continue!
diadyn chapter 9 . 12/15/2015
Gah! I knew if I started to read this I would be upset when I finished the last chapter...and I am...because it is so damn GOOD.

I myself left a few years back and decided to delete all of my old stuff (which I wholeheartedly regret) but boy, am I glad you didn't take this route. This story is a gem and I'm sorry I wont be able to read any more of it.

I know my review in 500 (500! That's INSANE! You should be immensely proud!) won't make much, if any, difference but I had to say me peace.

Hopefully (fingers crossed) you'll return as I did.

And let me just say Mulan and Kingdom Hearts? Genius! Two of my favorites that go so damn well together.

You write terrifically, the characters are spot on it is all just great. So thanks for writing it even if you don't return to finish because I thoroughly enjoyed what (little, ack!) there was.
I'm a Coffee Bean chapter 9 . 10/19/2014
Owmygawd. Update please? Pretty pretty please... I'm in need for more... I'm totally addicted with your fic... I'm telling the truth. I can barely breathe right now because of wanting for more. Update...
Guest chapter 9 . 12/8/2013
Please update! If not, I might put YOUR garden gnomes in socially unacceptable positions - what do you say about that, huh!

Seriously though, this is a real gem - don't give it up. Your characterisations are spot on and the humour exquisite, I can't wait for the drama (Sephy vs Cloud is a given). I don't know who to root for though, since Cloud's really fallen for Yuffie. Can it end in a compromise - a threesome with Cloud, Yuffie and Leon?
PenAndPoint chapter 9 . 10/18/2013
Oh my goddess! This is HILARIOUS! Please PLEASE write more of this wonderful fic! I love all the situations these guys seem to get themselves into. Poor Squall, his father just loves to torture him. And Cloud finally admits that he likes Yuffie! Oh my goddess the kisses were sweet! Need more! Can I haz moar fic plz? XD
KairiLuv chapter 9 . 7/3/2013
Please write more. I love this story! Been waiting years :)
WishingDreamer5 chapter 9 . 5/7/2013
Oh boy, where do I begin with this one. I know I've said I love your stories, but this one is simply amazing! I love your sense of humor; it's as though Yuffie wrote this story. And I think I'm starting to hate you for leaving the story at this point (you cruel woman :P ). I really hope you consider continuing this. Like a reviewer said, even a rushed ending would do, as long as it's something.

P.S.: Don't let anyone tell you that you can't write when you have that many fans. Over the 500 reviews for a KH story with only 9 chapters? Just imagine how many fans you have. If you really were that terrible, you wouldn't have had more than 10 reviews...if you were lucky.
xion chapter 9 . 1/22/2013
Firadraco chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
-sigh- I love this story. Every time I see it, I get all happy and sad at the same time. Please update, or at least write a rushed ending.
kamimimi chapter 4 . 11/15/2012

no but really the rivalry hurts my frail tender squallcloud-shipping soul :c I see chapter 9 is titled Sharing is Caring though. I will take that and process it in my gaymorphing mind and do as I please with it. hHAHAHAHA yuffie is lucky to have two hot dudes hanging off her arms though, dayamn. you slay them manbitches girl!

but yeah, thanks for being awesome and writing this c:
Rawr chapter 9 . 9/9/2012
Paper Train chapter 9 . 11/14/2011
Argh! I love this story and you're really leaving me hanging! Please update again since it doesnt look like you've updated in a while. Your writing is fantastic keep up the good work! D
always-kh chapter 9 . 10/30/2009
oh good thought i'd already reviewed...

i like this fic soo much very entertaining and i hope it ends up becoming a clouffie personally but i'm sure i'll be happy with whatever.

kisses and all were cute, yuffie's thoughts entertaining, and squall's situation lmao, poor cloud he's finally opening up...

anyway please update.
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