Reviews for Marauders on the Internet
Springrain chapter 1 . 1/3/2005
Hmm, there better be more coming... Good start.
quiffed chapter 1 . 11/7/2004
This story is really funny and observant. I really hope you update soon, because I love to read stuff like this. Please, please write more? Also, the idea you had is just too good to waste, you can't abandon something so brilliant.
baby gyrl chapter 1 . 6/12/2004
please write more this is cool
Fun4ever chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
Write more! PIlease more! More! More! Soo cool! More more more more more more more more more !

Sarcasma chapter 1 . 4/29/2004
Funny, keep going with this PLEASE?
Dippy Sebastian chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
This seems really good and I hope you write more soon!
BabyAlyx chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
This was very well written and also very funny. - You evil person you with the evil cliffie. Erg! Cant wait for the rest! Loves.
Trinity Day chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
Wow! How can you only have received one comment on this story so far? It's fantastic! Utterly and absolutely fantastic. I've not read such a good parody since "Selfinsertion O'Bugger-Subtlety". And that's high praise indeed. You're writing is a lot of fun to read. And the parody is not over the top, which is a rarity indeed. The descriptions of how MWPPL dealt with their "fan mail" is perfect. Some lines really stood out, such as Lily's “Why don’t we figure out what we’re doing to do before we leave to do it, alright?’ Lily's ‘I am going near nothing with the capacity to explode unless you four stand as far back as–’ (I guess what I'm saying is that I really like your Lily.) My one criticism is that you switch from ' to " in the course of a quotation, even. Pick one or the other and stick to it. Flipflopping is bad. I will end this by saying writing more please! And soon!
kitty minky chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
ooh! evil cliffie! lol- I likies heaps! more soon pwease!
wuv, kat xx
Juliet Rose chapter 1 . 11/27/2004
wow, your writing his extermly good. I am very much looking forward to reading more.