Reviews for Missing Scenes Anthology
Madilayn chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Fantastic missing scene! I loved Gordon in this episode (and in Perils of Penelope). We got to really see him in action and that there is more to him than an aquanaut.
Diddleymaz chapter 5 . 1/19/2013
I enjoyed these, it's been years since I last saw an episode, but your stories brought the memories back!
Virgilsgirl123456 chapter 5 . 1/10/2013
Really enjoyed all of these. Nice job
mcj chapter 5 . 1/9/2013
Nice to see this blast from the past resurrected. I remember the work back then. Are you adding new missing scenes to it? That's my goal this year too - to finish the old ones, add some long awaited updates to others and start writing the pile of new stories that have been on hold.

Good on you.

Hobbeth chapter 1 . 9/29/2004
*chuckle* I finally remembered that I hadn't read all of the chapters in this anthology. I'm glad I did, now.

If they ever decide to start up the series again, they should definitely hire you as a scriptwriter. (Too bad they didn't know about you when they decided to make the movie.)

Avidly awaiting your next post.
BeeInYourBonnet chapter 5 . 7/23/2004
I can’t believe how much thought and detail went into this series! It really is like reading snippets from the show itself, only with a depth of emotional insight into the characters that was only ever implied on the series.

...Yup, this one goes on the favourites list!

P.s. let me know if you ever update!
Mad-Friend chapter 5 . 4/27/2004
I liked this one from Alan's point of view, especially the line which clearly demonstrated Alan's indignation at O'Shea. I like the thought and attention to detail you always use in your stories, such as how Scott and Alan got O'Shea and Loman off TB3, it's those little touches that add the finishing touch to your stories and I've enjoyed reading all five chapters of your Missing Scenes Anthology Tikatu.
Mad-Friend chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
excellent story Tikatu. Well written and gripping, with first class attention to detail. You had me holding my breath. Love the last line too. So reminiscent of the show. You're a worthy winner.
Amanda Tracy chapter 1 . 4/20/2004
I, too, really enjoyed this. I like the idea of filling in on scenes we don't get to see in the series. I couldn't wait to finish it, and I look forward to more.
Simply-Cath chapter 2 . 4/20/2004
This is a really neat series. It's awesome that you're going behind the scenes to stuff we as the viewer didn't get to see, some of the consequences and emotions, not to mention the thoughts going through peoples' heads, during scenes we didn't get to see.
You have a great grasp of the characters and I really hope to see more of these soon.