Reviews for Thursday Afternoon
emmymaree chapter 16 . 7/6
Love this fic! So much suspense. Very well written. The personalities are perfectly portrayed. I’m going straight to the sequel
Joog chapter 16 . 12/17/2018
Is it weird that I’ve never seen the oc but I loved that story! I’ve just discovered Adam Brody in startup but there weren’t any startup fanfics so here I am!
Jimelda chapter 16 . 4/20/2011
I am proud to be reviwer 300 for this, and as such, let me just start by saying wow. Holy frig, that is one of the most well-written things that I have ever read. You have such a good voice and have expertely gotten into the heads of every single character in this fic. I especially love your portrayal of Ryan - probably because he's my favourite character and you wrote him dead-on. And not only did you do a wonderful job with the characters, the plot was fantastic and suspenseful as well. I must say that I am quite impressed!

'"More uncomfortable," Kirsten raises her voice a little, "Than the time that Julie Cooper came over at midnight asking if we had any Vaseline?"' I just had to put this because that line actually made me wince in disgust. Poor Sandy, to be witness to that. Yep, that definitely takes the number one spot for an awkward convo.

And that is all. I'm done my lunatic rambling. I just wanted to let you know how much I really, really, really enjoyed this fic. You are a stunning writer and I appreciate you taking the time to share your beautiful works with us.
goblz chapter 5 . 2/14/2011
So.. I read this fic (and its sequel) at least three years ago, maybe even more. I'm rereading now (honestly, it's because of Glee, hahaha!) and realized I didn't ever review. I love this fic SO much. It is THE best O.C. fic out there. Plus, I love me some Sick!Seth! Just thought I'd let you know that I still love this.
jenskyies chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
Hey there, I just thought I'd stop by say hey and read this and BoI again. Could be that I'm rewatching the series, but I got a strong urge to read old OC stuff and why not start with one of my favourites? It feels good to be reminded of how much I love this whole universe. :-)
secret eternal dreams chapter 16 . 6/23/2009
hahahaa ,

i like the ending ;)

but over all , very good. AND very well written :)

going to read the sequel now !
queer girl for queer rights chapter 16 . 7/20/2006
Wow. You are an amazing writer. You don't skip the hard to describe or tedius parts like I do. The OC rocks.
goldenshadows chapter 14 . 1/18/2006
I absolutley loved the part where Seth and Ryan were talking in the hospital in this chapter. It was just like how i'd imagine the actual show to be, if this storyline ever came up. Just hope that seth comes out of this ok! Am going to read more now.
tricksters apprentice chapter 16 . 12/19/2005
And to the favorites list it goes.

Awesome job, mate.

apple of your eye chapter 13 . 10/9/2005
Re-reading this for the billionth time, because I'm obsessed with this story, but this caught my eye, "Barring a catastrophic blow of bad luck, Seth is going to be all right."

And I'm left hanging by an even tinier thread of the cliffhanger in Best of Intentions!
Rebel Goddess chapter 16 . 10/5/2005
I liked it. It was interesting that you gave Seth a less than straightforward illness. Good story.
jumper chapter 16 . 8/19/2005
holy crap this is fricken AWESOME! How much did I love all this drama? A LOT! is there a sequel?
Juls112 chapter 16 . 6/21/2005
Wow. I just discovered this story, and I enjoyed it very, very much. I love that you mined all the relationships that the Cohens plus one have with each other, instead of focusing on the love relationships that exist on the show. Not a lot of people do that. Terrific job.
don't think about it chapter 16 . 5/23/2005
Awesome. Love the detail, Ryan not liking catsup, etc.
JenJenxx chapter 16 . 3/30/2005
What a great story! It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! Good Job!
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