Reviews for What's in a Name?
RoyalPrincessHinataHyuga chapter 5 . 8/24/2012
i love this story so far i hope when you have the time you will be able to update. D
Botan04 chapter 2 . 3/19/2012
Wow... My real name is Regina and I have a brother named Ryan... creepy and funny at the same time XP
kayleigh101 chapter 5 . 10/1/2011
plz do another chapter
countingthestars12 chapter 5 . 8/9/2009
I found this story a long time ago and still love it to this day. I know you haven't updated in literally years but I'd so so much appreciate it if you would update this story. It'd just too good to keep unfinished! xoxo
tryingtobestine chapter 5 . 1/5/2009
You're sure it isn't abandoned? I hope it isn't. That there is some odd reason for you to not have written more of this glorious story... right?

I found this story quite some time ago and adored it, unfortunately I lost the name (etc.) and have tried many times to see if I could find it. I had actually given up, but as I now stumbled over it :D

Unfortunately it hadn't been updated since then.
rosey chapter 5 . 4/3/2008
sorry about earlier

but i love ur stories but u have not updated in 2 years have u died or been kidnaped or somthink!
rosey chapter 5 . 4/3/2008
i want next chapter now ! i know wher u live i will kill u if u dont.i want next chapter now !
amortentiaaa chapter 5 . 9/2/2007
Cool idea. It's something she would do if she didn't have Harry as her bf. If only Colin had survived the 7th book...
designergurl chapter 5 . 6/28/2007
Are you going to update this fic? Not to be rude or anything...I love it and want to know what happens.
The Marauders and Lily chapter 5 . 10/5/2006
... Ehem. Missy! You says you aint gonna abandon this here fic! You lie sista! All lies!

Okay. Now that that's over...



Lovin' It,

pheobesapphira chapter 5 . 8/1/2006
okay, i have two things two say, and maybe a few other things..


2. YAYY her friends name is pheobe!maybe spelled a letter diff.

Others: PLEASSE FINISH! i want more! Finiish for me? please? ii beggiing youu! itss suchh a good story and should bee finishdd!
daydreamer04 chapter 5 . 7/5/2006
Yay! I like the chapter. Update soon plz.
daydreamer04 chapter 2 . 7/5/2006
I like the story and where it's going. Cool idea for the name "Reggie"
luvu4eva chapter 5 . 4/6/2006
If you want "to write is SO badly", then why dont you? by the way great story! It's original so it's good, wonder if Harry's gonna recognize her. Probably somehow, anyways hope you update soon! C'mon it's been since last year almost, don't tell me you've abandonned the story! that'll be such a waste but anyways keep up the good work!
chocolatereaper chapter 5 . 3/11/2006
i really like the fic but you relly really need to update!
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