Reviews for Moment of Truth
Heather Snow chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
Brilliant! I love how everything fit together nicely. Loved Hornblower's honorable behavior "under such trying conditions." Loved the interplay with Pellew at the end, especially the last line. I really felt like you nailed Horatio's character. I've never read the books, only seen the miniseries, but I could hear him saying these words and acting in this way. Very well done.
elsa3beth chapter 1 . 3/20/2011

I like the way you write Pellew, and that last line was priceless!
bluedragon1836 chapter 1 . 3/7/2008
"didn't they let you out in the sun?" Ha! Poor brave Horatio. He's awesome.
disassociated chapter 1 . 12/12/2004
That last line is perfection. :)

I remember reading this on the HH Fanfiction Archive ages ago, and when I saw it up here I had to re-read it. All of your stuff is so well written; you always get the characters down perfectly. I especially love the fact that this is based on movie-verse. While I love Forester, young Horatio is much more fleshed out, especially in his relationships, in the series. It also makes for a much more interesting read in fanfiction.

But any road, rambling now. Onto the feedback. This is a perfect sequel to "A Bit Singed" and I love how you've taken the small detail of Horatio being on fire and explained it, and continued on with this. The fact that it's got a plot is always brilliant to read in this fandom, and as I've said, you've captured the elements of both the series and the books in not only your characterizations, but the relationships and interaction between the characters.

Lovely. Brilliant. Your stuff is always superb. :)
Clotho chapter 1 . 4/28/2004
This was an excellent one! A very nice portrayal of HH1 Horatio, and a good view of Foster that keeps him on the knife-edge between hero and villain that he occupied in the show.
Asher Elric chapter 1 . 4/9/2004
That was so good. That last part was so funny. I imagined Hornblower choking on his drink. That would have been hilarious. Post soon.
ARMY RANGER chapter 1 . 4/6/2004
This story rocks!Bang on ol'chap! Keep writing!I am obsessed w/ Horatio Hornblower and Master and Commander so this was brilliant!