Reviews for Left Eye
Virtue chapter 37 . 6/25/2018
Geez. This is one of the best things I've ever read. You managed to create a whole backstory for Spike, Julia, and Vicious that was complex and blended seamlessly with their actions in the show. I thoroughly enjoyed this- my only beef if that you kept the affair between Spike and Julia to only a night, which only makes the complete story all the more tragic! I loved how you brought entire scenes and dialogue to to images we've already been shown. Great job all around.
eford1083 chapter 1 . 4/2/2018
Wonderful story. Very well written. It seemed as though it could have very well been cannon. Loved this anime and these characters in particular. It great to dig into this past a more.
BBTriste chapter 37 . 11/8/2016
I absolutely LOVE this fanfic. I always wondered what happened before Spike joined Jet on the Bebop...I believe this is his real background, since it doesn't show much in the anime. And Chapter 29...omg. I never knew what true love was like until this chapter lol. Definitely added this to my favorites stories, and you to my favorite authors :-D
Ale123456 chapter 37 . 10/6/2016
That was fantastic! I absolutely loved the ride. Thank you so much for writing this. I think this is my new canon for their background.
Ale123456 chapter 29 . 10/3/2016
I absolutely adore this story so far. It very much feels like a canon background for the characters, and it's tearing me apart reading it as the train builds momentum for the impending trainwreck.

I really actually feel worst for Vicious here for whatever reason. He's done some douche-y things, but his best friend and his girlfriend are betraying him behind his back. If it had happened right after the Manfred thing, it wouldn't have felt like such a betrayal. But they were doing so good together.

Now, Julia has the right to love whoever she wants, but she has to realize that nothing but bad things can come from doing it the way that she is. Though it's obviously an impulsive thing here.

But yeah, it definitely feels very canon. Spike is normally my favorite character (and I still love him here), but I'm definitely feeling most for Vicious. It feels like his world is going to fall apart around him very soon.

Then again, we know what will ultimately happen, and Spike and Julia are obviously ultimately the two that are worst off.

I also wanted to mention that I'm liking the parallels drawn between what happened with Spike's father and what is happening now.
NicoRobin120 chapter 36 . 7/19/2014
This is what I was looking for. I was more fascinated by the backstory of Cowboy Bebop then the show and spent a good week looking around on the internet for something like this. Thank you, it's fantastic.
Solider of Lucifer chapter 3 . 1/4/2014
"So you told her to go, and then sent me to kill her if she did? What is this, gangster high school?"
Too funny.
fliip chapter 37 . 12/28/2012
I don't know what to say exactly. You have brought to me and your countless other readers a gem among this site. A maturely written, canon novella. Thank you for writing this out in the detail and depth it deserved, for giving me a glimpse into the world of pre-Bebop. I seriously can't appreciate enough your time and effort, thought-out plots and in-character dialogue. Similar to the show, I am left empty and saddened, driven by the story, devoted to the character connections, and left staring, thinking "dam..." This I think should be your biggest accomplishment in me as a reader. Thank you.
fliip chapter 29 . 12/28/2012
"You save me." Damn, Spike...
fliip chapter 2 . 12/27/2012
Only two chapters in and I am captivated and committed to your story.
Kairos Impending chapter 37 . 8/22/2012
I don't know if you'll read a review that's coming eight years after the story was last updated, but I came here from TVtropes and didn't want to leave without thanking you for the wonderful read. I have a long-standing Bebop obsession that was recently reignited with a rewatch, but I've never sought out fanfiction on it before and wasn't sure I wanted to unless I could go straight to the best - lucky me, that's just what happened. Mostly I was looking for a logical assembly of Spike's past that would help me understand what all of the flashbacks meant, but you delivered so much more. I hope that whatever you're up to now is just as awesome. Cheers!
hamandpineapple chapter 37 . 6/8/2012
I don't know what to say. Like the last session of Bebop, I cried slowly and silently at the last paragraph of your beautiful yet haunting rendition of the prequel to an amazing show. I read every chapter hoping for more but realizing you gave what you could, we all know the story. It keeps you wanting and begging for more, for a resolution, for a conclusion, for a last kiss. Anything. This was more than a joy to read, and I curse you for making me emotional all over again. See you Space Cowboy
hamandpineapple chapter 29 . 6/7/2012
The chapter we'be deserved haha I laughed at that. It was breathtaking.
hamandpineapple chapter 24 . 6/6/2012
You have a talent and passion for writing and thought the story out. I appreciate what you have given me to read so far, it is a novel that could easily be on a bookstore shelf
hamandpineapple chapter 6 . 6/5/2012
Further in, the story is unraveling with such well planned writing. I am really enjoying this, though a late read from your publish date, I wanted to make sure you get an appropriate amount of comments (positive! Haha ) from me for being one of the first mature and thought out stories on this site that I have read. What a refreshing change, thank you.
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