Reviews for The Assistant to the First Officer
FanOfThisWebPage chapter 20 . 7/4
I'm crying right now So sad but good !
SouthernRadiantSun chapter 20 . 11/1/2019
Wow! What a story! And so well written! I have a feeling that another book called ‘On The Edge Of Daylight’’ is based on this wonderful book.
And you know what I discovered while reading these Murdoch Books?
That I don’t fall for the Jack Dawson type anymore. Meaning, I love older men! Holy shit! I’m feeling old and I’m only 27 (almost nov 6)

Thank you for giving us this great book, Where I cried my freaking eyes out from this beautiful story!
Newsie35 chapter 20 . 3/8/2017
SO sad but very good!
whereisnovember chapter 20 . 2/26/2017
Oh, wow. I am absolutely speechless. I recently rewatched Titanic and went poking around for some fanfiction about the officers, and I am truly glad I stumbled upon yours. Not only is it phenomenally written, it's also realistic - the relationship between Mr. Murdoch and Ms. Wallace is so wonderfully natural and charming and doesn't feel forced whatsoever.

I loved their interactions with each other. I laughed and I smiled and of course I ugly cried so many times. I also enjoyed the way you captured the personalities of the officers, I always looked forward to having them all together in a scene. I've always thought the officers were infinitely more interesting than the main cast of Titanic, so it was nice to have a little glimpse into their daily lives. Ellen Wallace was lovely and so interesting and brave. I couldn't stop reading, and when I reached the final chapters, it broke my heart in more ways than one.

Seriously, excellent job. Thank you so much. I'll be rereading this again when I have more time.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
This story was amazing I really loved it
HPuni101 chapter 20 . 2/20/2016
Beautiful story.
DemonLlama chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
I finished your story and it was amazing. I love the way they felt for each other but I was hoping for a different ending more like a Jack and Rose one with them together in the water but neither survive
TitanicLovers chapter 19 . 10/1/2014
Her last words to Will killed me. So powerful. Such a tragic end. It's the most amazing Titanic story ever written. It's too bad you didn't write an alternative end where they both could have survived. In the movie Titanic, there's even an alternative end! But i think that even if you would write one, i would still prefer this one because like i said, this is powerful. Their last moment together was pure tragedy. Each of their last words were like knives in the heart. Trust me, i've read a lot of fics and this one is one of my favorite and one i consider really perfect. Even when i know that it's a sad ending where i cry everytime, i still want to read it again and again! No seriously, congrat's! It's too bad you don't write anymore. You're talented! Again: AMAZING STORY! Bye!
Lilla chapter 19 . 9/29/2014
Everytime that i read this story (and it happens a lot of time!), i keep hoping that Will Murdoch and Ellen Wallace will survive and get to start a new life in New York... but it never happens! And everytime that i reread this chapter, their last moment together that is so well written, i can't help myself, i cry like a baby! This fic is the most amazing of all the Titanic fics and you have done a good job at writing a realistic one despite what you may think. All the characters are touching and i love Ellen and Will together! It's too bad that the best of love story seems to be tragic one! Anyway, i abstolutely love reading this again and again from time to time and it always make me laugh and cry so much! I don't know if you check the reviews of this story from time to time since it's long time finished but if you do then i have to say: congrat's! Bye!
Amira chapter 20 . 5/22/2014
Best story ever! Very realistic and tragic! Beautiful love story! Bye!
Cookie Seller On The Dark Side chapter 20 . 1/24/2014
Dear gosh, I'm crying now! That was a really well written story- congratz! I loved it!
ZabuzasGirl chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
Update immediately, please!Update immediately, please!Update immediately, please!
Jofrench22 chapter 20 . 5/10/2013
I just finished to read your story and it was amazing! I like how you wrote the romance, the characters, the plot... My only regret is that it's too bad that you didn't take the opportunity as a fiction to change the event of Titanic. You could have made Ellen in charge for the evening in the name of her officer commander and make her take the decision to go through the iceberg and save them all. Or you could have make them both (murdoch and her) survive. I know that in the reality, murdoch died on the titanic and the Titanic sank but like i said before: it is a fiction which means you create and change what you want! It would have been interesting to read if Titanic would not have sink! But anyway, it's still an amazing story! Bye!
Eldri chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
Hey there!
I just stumbled over your story and... wow.
At first I thought: Well, a woman as an officer on Titanic. Let's see how Mary-Sue she is.
But then... this IS GREAT! I totally love it.
Your descriptions aren't long and boring, the balance between thoughts and dialogues is perfect.
Though I didn't finish it by now I think the rest of your story will be as great as the beginning!
I really look forward to it.

Liz chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
Very good. I like to think William is on the Tardis traveling with the Doctor, the Doctor's wife River Song. Which of course William would call the Doctor, Dr. Song. Oh Yeah Clara.
Where are the rest of the passengers and crew not accounted for. They are with the Eternals.

Keep up the good work, LT William Murdoch holds a special place in my heart. I grew up with stories about him and the Titanic.
I been a Dr. Who fan since the late 1970s.
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