Reviews for The Journey Home
Zarz chapter 1 . 7/17/2006
This is a really cool story, and I love the ending. It's not right that some of the Fellowship be given life in Valinor while others not. This was a great way for them to all get back together. My one question is just what are the other stories before this one? If you actually listed them at the beginning that would help. Anyway, I really loved your story. Great work!
Spaztic Arwen chapter 1 . 9/27/2004
If i had to sum up this fic in two words they would be WOW and AW, wow for the incredible emptional depth you went into and aww for the same reason. i think JRR would be proud
Gozilla chapter 1 . 6/9/2004
This is so lovely! Great story! Thanks for writing! -
Starlit Hope chapter 1 . 3/14/2004
Aw...fluff fest!
Tiannstnocfm chapter 1 . 3/13/2004
This is wonderful!I always though it was so sad that Legolas would never see Aragorn again! And Elrond gets to be with Elros! Yay! This is awesome and well-written, please write more!
Valanya chapter 1 . 3/12/2004
Oh wow...I'm so glad it had a happy ending! My tears were not wasted :)