Reviews for The Pain of Future Wrongs
Guest chapter 78 . 4/26
I understand that this is an AU but everyone acts so OOC. Chris is running around so emotionally driven that he may as well be holding a giant sign above his head that describes how he’s feeling. Meanwhile, his mental walls and neurotic tendencies fluctuate and only appear when the story is calls for it. Piper just seems to be acting more and more suspicious each time, even though the opposite should be happening the closer she gets to her kids (“piper come” “why?” *suspiciousness intensifies*). Then she proceeds to cry over everything, and then proceeds to move on from Baby Chris’ death in less than two seconds. Phoebe, despite being an empath, seems to have completely lost that power, not reading anyone, with or without powers. Everyone has daddy issues with Leo, who, as a result, has totally vanished from the story towards the end. Then the changed future and future consequences is never mentioned again, under the excuse of it being too “different”. None of the characters express a desire to go back to the correct time, and everyone quite happily settles down.
IAmCayj chapter 8 . 5/17/2016
Once again, I just feel that I must point out Chris' behavior. Taking Wyatt to the park? No. Chris is described as neurotic and obsessed because that's who the Chris Perry from the future has become; while in the past-and while he has not accomplished his goal of saving Wyatt-that would still be who he is whether his parents and aunts know who they are to him or not. He has a single minded focus (to save Wyatt from turning evil) that doesn't allow him to just take days off to do things like go to the park or even to wallow in the awkwardness of the newfound aspect of his relation with piper. It makes the story unreadable-because of the glaring difference-in my opinion.
IAmCayj chapter 6 . 5/17/2016
Chris also acts out of character in this AU; he is more emotional as well. In the series he is portrayed as more strategic, cunning, manipulative even. Yet here he seems to run on impulse and his actions are all emotion based. Its not a totally bad change, just unexpected.
IAmCayj chapter 5 . 5/17/2016
Piper cries a lot in this AU which is a character trait that she lost after Prue's death and her subsequent ascension into the role of eldest sister. Prior to those events, yes, she cried frequently and easily but afterwards, we rarely see her having an emotional breakdown as she has seemed to be stuck in throughout this story so far.
IAmCayj chapter 3 . 5/17/2016
My only issue so far is that the chapters are all really short but that must account for why there are 78 total. I'm also hoping that Chris hasn't done the overly cliché runaway-but-leave-a-note-apologizing-or-saying-how-much-you-love-them thing but I'll know next chapter.
Guest chapter 78 . 3/8/2016
Now that's juSt not fair. I thought I had a complete gang here ! Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for this one too. It's worth waiting for.
SpangleyPony chapter 78 . 11/29/2015
Really enjoyed this story so far, did you or are you planning on writing anymore?
anthi35 chapter 16 . 10/19/2014
pretty good but why doesnt bianca exists i loved her in th show
kayley chapter 78 . 1/23/2013
I wish u would write some more I'm loving this is their a mother part or somethund
kasey123 chapter 78 . 1/28/2012
need more
Crystalzap chapter 78 . 12/13/2011
you make the character OOC with all the crying, but over all the story is cute so I like it ;)
Crystalzap chapter 30 . 12/11/2011
Umm didn't Chris remove the poison and is only dead/dying became he killed mini him...?
Guest chapter 78 . 8/22/2011
wow wat a story very humor & has suspense
Pryiia chapter 78 . 2/19/2011
Hey, where's the rest?
Smart one17 chapter 78 . 6/14/2010
I really injoyed this story it is a shame that you stoped writing it. But the story is on my favorites.
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