Reviews for Sincere Smile
Nicor Warg-Fyrweorm chapter 1 . 4/21/2010
T_T So beauty story... Thanks for the explanation at the end, it hekped a lot

I'll really love to read a sequel If that's as good as that, of course! But is obvious that it would be, 'cause if a story wroten at 11 at night is that good, a sequel would be tons better

Thanks for let us, normal people, read that beautiful story

See you,

Nicor Warg-Fyrweorm
Kio chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
sodesne ON HAITUS chapter 1 . 4/6/2005
I like this a lot!

Sasuke: You are trying to kill me.

Yes, you finally found out my scheme...heeheehee...-goes into a giggle fit-

Sasuke: I knew it, your crazy.

Thank you! -giggles more-
Kaiyu-chan chapter 1 . 4/8/2004
- Can I be your beta reader? _ I loved the story and I try to write good CCD fics myself...but I'll understand if you already have one!
Syaoran-Lover chapter 1 . 3/14/2004
Uh, I haven't watched CCD yet, only read the manga. . . but I SO wish I could see it! Can ANYONE record this for me? ONEGAI?
Oh, sorry about that. . . "
Well, the idea of Nokoru losing his beautiful eyes does not make me happy, and Suoh also losing his is even worse, since Nokoru will feel really bad about it. . .
If you DO write a sequel, please return both their respective pair of eyes! It's too sad! o\/o
A LOT of grammar mistakes, mostly with verbs, so I advise you to review the fic and edit it. _~
All in all, it was an original, but I still think it was a bit too cruel. . .
re weird chapter 1 . 3/3/2004
Confusing but cool story. I don't remeber the incident though...was it from the anime? anyways, good job! cookies for you! *hands you cookies*
FiendisHSerapH chapter 1 . 3/1/2004
Ah, sweet indeed~! I like reading fics in Suoh's POV because it really it's good to hear something mushy from this ninja, ne? Anyway, it's nicely done and what happened slowly unfolded during the story thus adding thrill. His feelings were well expressed and I think (just I think) we have some commonality in style so... I like it! it's great!
By the way, your plot isn't that hard to comprehend. My answer? I LOVED it so please write more. Goodluck!
Kin'ni chapter 1 . 3/1/2004
Oh, wow...that was terribly sweet of Suoh. I'd love to see what happens next when Nokoru has Suoh's kind of left me hanging there with the ending. heheh...I really want to see more. Your plot and concept are nice...grammar is kind of confused, though, at times...particularly with past tenses. I'd be happy to beta read for you, if you'd like. Well, gambatte! Ja ne! _
Aki chapter 1 . 2/29/2004
this was good a tad confusing [explanation cleared most of that up tho _] and vrey interested look forward to reading Nokorus POV [is the POV after he gets Suohs eyes? *hopehopehopehope* ]