Reviews for After the Beep
Dragon of Yin and Yang chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
Fun and enjoyable!
bigshamankingfan chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
hahahaha! that was really funny. i like it! keep up the good work.:)
AlbinoButterfly chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
Wow...I love Shaman King AND Ranma 1/2 so I love this fic...RANMA NO BAKA!
Maggie-baka chapter 12 . 9/9/2010
I really love your stories (by the way, I am the Maggie who was being so cruel to her shoulder devil in previous reviews). I was wondering...would you check out my one and only fic? It has no reviews so far T.T
Maggie chapter 12 . 7/17/2010
Mags? You dare to call me Mags? THAT IS NOT MY NAME! Don't THINK I stopped reading the reviews for this story. *chases younger brother with various random pointy objects*
Guest chapter 12 . 6/27/2010
Hi. I'm Maggie's younger brother. Mags is chasing me, so I haven't much time. HELP! Not even my newly discovered demons of review can save me now!

Maggie:THERE HE IS! (Points Kwan Dao at me)

Maggie chapter 12 . 6/27/2010
Oops I just realised that when I reviewed chapter 4 I did it as m...well that was me.
Maggie chapter 12 . 6/27/2010
Wahahahahahahahahahahaha...oh you are too funny. What's a mochirei?

Shoulder Devil:Ha! I have returned from the hospital portion of you subconscious!

Me:What do you want?

Shoulder Devil:Do you or do you not admit that you are/were a fangirl of L from Death Note?

Me:I was...

Shoulder Devil:And do you or do you not admit that L has bags under his eyes?

Me:Um, that's OBVIOUS.

Shoulder Devil:And so does Faust.

Me:Yeah, deep circles under the eyes of angsty people is cool.

Shoulder Devil:0.0



Me:Well of course. I admit things like that. Furthermore, deep circles are just gravy, I like the characters for their personalities, and there is nothing wrong with liking eye circles on angsty guys.

Shoulder Devil:So by your logic, you would be uninterested in fanfics where your obsessions are ooc.


Shoulder Devil:(smugly)Oh?

Me:Well I AM a fangirl. No one ever said fangirls are logical. If they did, they're WRONG.

Annoying Little brother Who Is Reading This Review Over My Shoulder:Aint that the truth.

Shoulder Devil And Me:(exchange meaningful glances)

Shoulder Devil:Truce?


Annoying Little brother Who Is Reading This Review Over My Shoulder:Uh-Oh...

Shoulder Devil And Me:(chase brother with Ren's Kwan Dao and Jeanne's torture devices)

I hope you like this review, I write this in a doomed attempt to be as funny as you are...I hope you enjoy!
Maggie chapter 8 . 6/27/2010
Wahahahahahahahaha...poor Faust

Shoulder Devil:(rolls eyes)Poor? More like crazy. I don't see why you like that guy.

Shoulder Angel:Because he is a moving and selfless person who sacrificed everything for his wife.

Shoulder Devil:And killed people.

Me:Iron Maiden? I know the bible says you're supposed to love your neighbor as yourself and not hurt people...does that apply to shoulder devils as well?

Iron Maiden Jeanne:No, because a shoulder devil is the evil part of a human consciousness.

Me:Excellent. Do you have any instruments of torture I could borrow? Obviously attacking mine with a Chinese spear was not enough to teach it to shut up about my fangirl obsessions.

Shoulder Devil:(runs away screaming)
m chapter 4 . 6/27/2010
Wahahaha Faust is so cool...I wish people wrote more stuff with Eliza in it.

Shoulder Devil:Are you SURE you're not in love with him?

Me:Yes, I love Sai from Hikaru no Go.

Shoulder Devil:Pfft. Necrophiliac.

Me:Ren, can I borrow your Kwan Dao?


Me:(chases Shoulder Devil with Kwan Dao)
Maggie chapter 3 . 6/27/2010
Kyaaaaaaa! Faust is awesome! I represent the Association of FaustxEliza fangirls, which I just made up although I can think of at least one other girl who would probably join, saying that not all Faust fangirls are like that. I would like to offer my services as an assassin to kill any idiot fanwriter who pairs Faust with someone other than Eliza.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/26/2010
?: oh lima bean king...

LBK: wat?

(? starts chasing lima bean king with a fork)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
Hao's mesage R0X0R5!
Rose-Oracle chapter 12 . 10/9/2008
Mochirei...mochirei...oh! That means Amidamaru! (dopey grin that matches Horo's.) Sorry, but this is a person who does not understand much Japanese. I thought mochirei meant something along the lines of big brother. I thought Setsumi-san was asking for Hao to hug!
Rose-Oracle chapter 2 . 9/1/2008
I was reading this story when I remembered that you were one of the people who reviewed for one of my stories! To make this story and review mine, you ROCK!
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