Reviews for butterfly in nine laps : shiori
UE chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
this is the eater of unagi from lj P in any case, i think i avoided the butterfly in nine laps series because of the potentially high squick factor? but i'm glad i decided to brave it...esp for this chapter, since literally every sentence was perfect. i might have mentioned before in some of your other stories (the naruto ones, i think) that the imagery sometimes conflicts w/ the story's tone (although i'm sure it's probably deliberate seeing as how it's luc court we're talking about)...but here. omg. "the door shut behind him with a click like a gun being cocked." so perfect. and that first paragraph. the vaginal bisected rose heart thing. and menstruating shiori. i'm half wtf and half in awe.
EmpressGalaxia chapter 1 . 2/12/2004
Dirty and disturbing. The imagery of the dead pretending to live through photography stuck. As did the vagina dentata. This fic was sick, strange, and twisted.
Where's the next chapter?