Reviews for Night Chat
Anon chapter 1 . 3/12/2005
Maniacal parent... God that's priceless... -cackles-

Anyway, there's a tiny mistake, Seras is a normal policegirl in the manga, it's only in the anime that she's in D11

Minor nitpick P
Starlight Waltz chapter 1 . 2/28/2005
More PxS, it's my favorite ship with AxI! This was well done! )
Scarbie chapter 1 . 11/11/2004
Pip and Seras! I really enjoyed this story. You did a great job filling in the blanks and the characters seemed pretty in character to me.
NoxLamiarum chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
This was wonderful! I love the pairing of Pip and Seras! (I've heard they kiss in the manga, but I don't know)

This fits PERFECTLY with vol. 3 of the manga! You even got the McDonald thing! Wonderful fic!
Pinnaple Army chapter 1 . 9/24/2004
PxS! More PxS! Fuck Alucard, Pip is Seras' man!

Awesome fic, you should update.
Naraku chapter 1 . 9/11/2004
YES! More P/S please!
Marisa Moonlight chapter 1 . 9/10/2004
That was sweet. Gotta love Pip.
Cleo-sama chapter 1 . 9/9/2004
Aw, that was cute :3
Jinn chapter 1 . 9/7/2004
A tad sappy but not ooc. There should be more P/S fics in the world.
Avenger of the fallen chapter 1 . 6/9/2004
Hey there! Nice story. But that was not the reason I'm here. You see, you left me a very truth-filled message for my story Hidden Emotions. You're right, it scuks bad. The other's were just being nice but I wanted someone to agree with me to the entire idea. Thank you. I was also wondering if you would take a look at my newest one Sweet Vengeance for me to see how that one's coming along. See ya,

Fufu Gal chapter 1 . 4/10/2004
I liked this! I haven't read all of the manga *curses not knowing Japanese* but I know vaguely what happened. I think it's cool that you explored Seras' feelings about her Masters seemingly unchecked violence and came to the conclusion that he does in fact have reasons for the way he behaves, and they're not all motivated by bloodlust. I see a lot of fanfics that make Alucard out to be a straight up gore-freak and I think that's unfair. He's a more complicated character than that. Anyway good job!
Zachiel chapter 1 . 4/6/2004
Hn. I know you loathe romance but for your first it was canon-accurate, pretty IC and researched! I like your Ceres, with spunk, trying to complate the issues (not pointless OOC angst) and somewhat chipper. Pip was a bit more brainy but he's still a loveable jerk. Alucard, of course, doesn't care much about Ceres (or anyone) if it wasn't for his amusement. You go for writing the first PxC fic inside this section. People should awake and see the manga canon instead of fooling around with AndersonxCeres, AlucardxCeres and Gary StuxCeres. How unrealistic.
Next time write a longer story involving this pairing!
For Shits and Giggles chapter 1 . 2/27/2004
where's the plot? ok, so pip and seras, it all makes sense...
shits: thank God it's a one shot!
giggles: *overdoses on the neutrasweet and dies*
Love and Peace!
Sumyun chapter 1 . 2/10/2004
Hey Lorena! Its me, Zach ]! Ignore what everyone else says *coughgyzybyvytypycyeycough*, but I thought it was very good! Even though romance isn't your forte, it was still VERY enjoyable and cute. Can't wait to see some more of your work!
gyzybyvytypycyey chapter 1 . 2/8/2004
pip sucks
alucard rocks
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