Reviews for Jade Swann
brandend chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
'Jade' is not an appropriate name for the time period. Also, the term 'jade', in earlier days, was slang for a loose or disreputable woman- not exactly what someone would call their child! Yes, I know the fic hasn't been updated in over a decade, but your Mary Sues's name was bothering me that much lol.
Total Reject chapter 13 . 12/26/2014
It's weird how I'm reading this 10 years after it was written...
GuardianAngel102310 chapter 13 . 9/7/2011
I really love this story! Are you going to continue it through all four movies or end it after the first one?

Please update soon! .
Inmortal chapter 13 . 6/28/2011
Aww so adorable! P.S. Inmortality is a curse no matter how much ye want it.
PIRATE chapter 13 . 7/2/2007
WOW! didn't see that coming! great story! VERY entertaining! did she die?
summersgirl2526 chapter 13 . 6/25/2007
shinigami109 chapter 13 . 12/26/2006
no. snif,the chapters done. can you plz update asap ? T_T
Hair Strand chapter 13 . 7/13/2006
aw this chapter was so cute everything was absouletly perfect.
Hair Strand chapter 9 . 7/13/2006
HI OMG that was an absouletly magnificent chapter! Way to make a comeback eh? i love how u interpret jades charecter into the script ur so good at it, and the story is much more intresting this way ;) good job XD i shall keep reviewing your chappies and glad to kno ur bak :)
Ladymkathyn chapter 13 . 7/9/2006
OMG this is soo interexting and funny i relly hope u update as fast as you can.
MJLS chapter 13 . 5/6/2006
aw :p they make such a cute couple although I never saw Jade before ;) wonder what the governor would say ...keep up the good work and update soon because I can't wait until next chapter :d:d:d:d
kerricarri chapter 13 . 3/7/2005
that was AWESOME! although the plot was exactly the same as the movie, you added in the deleted scenes! AND you threw in an OC _ Elizabeth's sister no less! it was interesting reading about an OC eventually falling in love with Jack while reading about the plot and whatnot... ok, I like the way the story's going -what with Jack finally admitting that he loves Jade (*big fat grin plastered on my face*) and I'm totally obsessed with POTC! so far I've seen it about 5 times... and I'm still not sick of the plot . and I feel like I'm reliving the whole movie again by reading this! except of course, Jade's in it! THAT and, I'm a sucker for Jack & romance :p it's a pity that the movie didn't suggest any pairings with Jack Sparrow - *sigh* if only Jade existed in the movie... _~
lovenhope chapter 13 . 2/9/2005
please finish it.
ChaosLightning13 chapter 13 . 12/14/2004
Just peachy, eh? At first I thought you'd confused Jack-excuse me, *Captain* Jack Sparrow with the cooler Jack (which would be *Colonel* Jack O'Neill), until I realized that it was Jade who was saying that.

And don't forget to update-before Christmas, mind-or I *will* send my Jaffa warriors after you.

Lightning/System Lord Kali
ChaosLightning13 chapter 12 . 12/14/2004
Now you must update or I shall send the Asgard after you. My little brother's little buddy Thor is the Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet. They'll abduct you and make lots of mini-yous. Or not really mini-you's, that was only Jack because of the marker in his DNA... nevermind.

Oh, and if that doesn't get you to review (or if the Asgard, annoying little grey butts that they are, don't agree), I'll just have to send my Jaffa warriors after you.

It's a Cheshire cat grin. At least that's what I think you meant.

At that point, Jack said, "Here's luck to you, Will Turner."

You've got to mention how pitiful he looks when he says "clap him in irons." He's so pitiful that Norrington can't clap him in irons and keep up a good face.

Lightning/System Lord Kali
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