Reviews for Men in BlackRobes
Nanchih chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
This has potential. I love MIB. I know, this is what, 8 years old? But if you get inspired, I'll get the Alert.
Novakun20 chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
*giggle* please update this! it is awesome!
uzumaki misaki chapter 1 . 5/29/2007
hey this sounds like it'll be funny, why didn't you finish it? please continue the story. cya
Bagge chapter 1 . 5/2/2006
*laugh* Well, why not? The obliviate-spell would definately explain a few of the MIB-things. Highly imaginative.
SongOfStars chapter 1 . 10/22/2005
Hi! OMG I LOVE Wil Smith! im keeping my eye on this one...

Anyway...about the review on To The Stars...I'll mention Snape to Dav, but I think he already has his all written out just not posted yet. I've no control over the story other then the fact I'm putting it on my account.
silvr foxfire chapter 1 . 10/6/2005
Oh this story has so many possibilities I can't wait to see where you go. Oh like Slytherin is an intergalactic criminal and Earth has to turn over or try to turn Tommy over to someone or the earth buys it. Harry could be along with super blond offered Auror training off world to face the next drark lord. Oh heck, where ever you take the story should be good.
turncoat chapter 1 . 7/24/2005
Very cool idea. I like it alot and an interesting crossover. Never seen this before


please post more!
Oasis Blackmore chapter 1 . 7/23/2005
That was a good start! Now write more! *grins*

~ Oasis
Storyreader14 chapter 1 . 7/12/2005
please update you havn't updated for like more then a year
Katsy17 chapter 1 . 7/3/2005
sounds like it could be really good.

update soon

Dream Phantom chapter 1 . 6/19/2005
Interesting combination. Should be interesting.
Archaic Scribe chapter 1 . 11/4/2004
Hm...rather interesting concept and original and for that reason alone - I do hope you post something soon - you have put down the base for so many interesting possibilities! :-)
Jayuna chapter 1 . 6/25/2004
this is sorta interesting! update soon!
jeedang2000 chapter 1 . 2/10/2004
Please write more! You got my attention!
LisaViola chapter 1 . 1/26/2004
Hmm, it sounds like avery vague start. It's a nice, mysterious intro that leaves you questioning. My guess is the main character is probably an unknown Weasley child.
Are his robes spiffier than Snape's? Do they become more airborne? Can they do more than swish dramatically?
I'd like an explanation for where Osama bin Ladin is hiding :-) Are there radio signals from space?
What is the true purpose of the pyramids?
I hope that your story has plenty of humor.
Hmm, is this story what happens to Snape after the war? What if Voledmort's an alien?
Hmm, your story sounds like it might be fun.
Take it easy,
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