Reviews for Dagger of Souls
Harry2 chapter 2 . 11/29/2014
So, Bakura is in Sunnydale and Dawn is in Japan. Time for both to get settled in and see what is going on there.
Harry2 chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
I think that BOTH Bakura and Atem, before this story is overwith, are going to find out about the nightlife in Sunnydale. And the Millennium Dagger? I wonder what powers it has.
Nightcrawlerlover chapter 2 . 7/5/2014
Awesome so far... :) I like it. Very neat, as well as very well-written, too. Plus, I'm glad you updated this one, too. I wonder if Duke Devlin will be in this story; if he is, he'll probably take a liking to Dawn, and ask her to tell him about her family (especially Buffy, who happens to be a Slayer, and Buffy's friends, who make up the Scooby Gang). :)

Keep up your super-neat, very creative and beautifully phenomenal writing! :)
Nightcrawlerlover chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
This is awesome! :) I like it - especially this part:

"Are you Miss Buffy Summers?" The group turned as one to see a boy standing behind them. He was a little on the short side, with an almost expressionless face that was more than a touch unnerving. His hair was long, a bit spiky, and white. Not blonde, but actually white. What caught Buffy's attention though, were his eyes. They were wide and deep brown in color. They held the same sad and haunted look that Willow's had following the ordeal of Tara's death and the whole 'trying to destroy the world' events following it. It made her wonder what the boy had been through. However, he hadn't addressed her.

"No, I'm Willow Rosenberg," the redhead replied with a shake of her head and a small smile. It was obvious that she could sense the same thing Buffy had. "She's Buffy." Willow nodded in her best friend's direction.

"And you are?" The boy glanced at the sign Xander was still holding aloft before he answered with an almost imperceptible smile.

"Ryou Bakura."

"Oh," she stated, taken aback. "I guess I was expecting someone who was moreā€¦"

"Japanese? No, I live there, but I'm British."

"We could tell," Xander said, trying to sound intelligent. "You've got the same accent as the G-man."

"I've told you not to call me that," Giles sighed in exasperation. "Besides which, our accents are nothing alike." Ryou nodded in agreement.

"My living in Japan for so long has no doubt contributed to that." Buffy shrugged. None of the others could hear a difference. Maybe Ryou's accent was a touch softer than Giles', but then so was his speaking voice, which make it difficult to tell.

Very awesome and super-cool. :)

Keep up your super-neat, very creative and phenomenally beautiful writing! :)
bob chapter 1 . 6/28/2006
good so far but make the chapters longer update
Yugi-Redwall-fan chapter 1 . 5/3/2004
This is interesting so far! _ Please continue ASAP! _
Dark Comet chapter 1 . 1/15/2004
Yay, yugioh! *snuzzles bakura*
Sorry but am currently on a yugioh addict phase. Cannot get enough of it. Please write more and soon.
Night-Owl123 chapter 1 . 1/12/2004
Kiseki no Tenshi chapter 1 . 1/12/2004
Very Interesting.
Please Continue writing! _
Stars-Child chapter 1 . 1/12/2004
Cool, i hope you get another chapter up soon, It would make a great fic! -
Moonlit Evanescence
Ps if u've heard of a film called 'The Lost Boys'plz take a look at the fics I've wriiten for that category, dnt worry, they're Buffy cross