Reviews for Shattered
Julia chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
That was great! Very realistic and just how I imagined Christine must feel after the story events. Erik traumatized her and I do hate how E/Cers on here romanticize it and make it seem like it's OK to do something like that. Erik's actions are the definition of a stalker and such actions are NEVER OK.
JMM chapter 1 . 2/13/2005
Thanks! It's good to see a fiction that shows Erik and Christine's "relationship" as it really was - stalker and victim - rather than some romantic fantasy.

I'm so tired of those Phangirls who go on and on about how Erik was Christine's "true love" and how he "freed" her. How did he "free" her - he played with her mind, kidnapped her, and tried to force her to marry him!

And why do they hate Raoul? He loves Christine, saves her, is always kind to her - but so many Phics turn him into an abusive jerk. HE wasn't the one who hurt Christine!
Souldarkend7 chapter 1 . 8/29/2004
Very interesting, one has always wondered what Christine felt after she left, I assume this was based on Leroux right? Very good, I liked it.
The Mintywolf chapter 1 . 1/19/2004
I like this. Very few people acknowledge that Christine was really quite an emotional and psychological mess afterwards and it's nice to see someone understanding that.
Elegantly written, it flows together nicely. I think it's only fault is it's shortness! ::adds to favourites::
Shandethe Sanders chapter 1 . 1/14/2004
That was haunting and beautiful. I'm glad that you decided to focus on the mental effects Christine suffered at the hands of Erik, since most people seem to think their relationship was was all dark passion and dancing schnauzers. No one seems to remember that Erik WAS scary, he DID freak Christine out a lot (even though she loved him), and in the end, he understood that as well. The last line of this story was very poetic and symbolic, and I adored it. Keep it up!
Ok, one gripe-this was really short! Any chance of a slightly longer phic, perhaps with Raoul? *puppy dog eyes*
Miranda7911 chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
Very nice. Very well written. You have a firm writing talent. BRAVO!
Rosemarie-ouhisama chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
I'm only seen the silent film (not familiar with book or musical) but it matters not. This is very fine, and paints a picture of trauma that is simple and real. there is a great clarity in your writing here, without any melodrama to mar it. And that last sentence is gorgeous, and could stand for anyone who has suffered trauma. (You're right, too many books/plays/movies imply a happily-ever-after for characters who have gone through horrible experiences. Remember how Princess Leia never seemed the least bit affected by the destruction of her home planet? Eh, sorry, I do digress).