Reviews for Finding a Place
HarmonyWinters chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
Very nice. I think it takes a very talented author to use levity to get across a this case, Dave finding his place in the world.

Nicely done!

Mickeygee chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
HURRAY FOR ONE THAT DOESN't HAVE A DAVID/JACK SLASH! :D it was REALLY good, and a great friendship story... perfect in my book!
Argentus chapter 1 . 8/24/2007
Aw, sweet. I really like the carefree, ‘just hanging out and goofing off’ feel that you put in to this fic…I just love how you melded Race’s ‘big-brothering’ the little kids and his bickering with Snipeshooter into that marble scene, and couldn’t stop giggling when I pictured Mush and that slingshot and the chaos that ensued after :)

Jack and David were very much in character. Jack being wry and somber in a serious moment, Dave being the ‘odd man out’; and although he’s the newbie, he’s still the most well-read out of them all(the Artful Dodger bit was a nice touch). And speaking of in-character, I think this quote *really* rang true to what we saw of Skittery’s and Racetrrack’s personalities in the movie: "Skittery ain't the leader type. He don't have it in him. Race coulda been leader if he'd wanted too. The guys all listen to him, but he's too much of a loner. He didn't want it."

I love the anecdote on why just why Mush and Blink stick together-still ‘in the same boat’, after all this time…and Bumlets’ story was really different: I never thought of a Newsie voluntarily choosing that kind of rugged, orphan’s life for himself. When Jack’s talking about the boys’ origins, one line that particularly hit me was this “And he'd never asked. You don't ever ask.” It truly gives a feel of the rough, harsh circumstances that could lead the boys to Kloppman’s and the newsie life.

Anyways, sorry for the dissection…this was the first Newsies fic I have read(didn’t even know it HAD a fandom until now!) and a great oneshot at that.
Seaver42 chapter 1 . 1/29/2007
This story is awesome. You really captured every newsie's personality. Perfect!
davidlaylashipper1 chapter 1 . 6/27/2006
Thank you! I think this is a really good story. I think more people should read and they might appreciate david's character.
alesca-chan chapter 1 . 5/2/2005
_ very cool

write more soon, ne?
Written Sparks chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
This is excellent, I love how you make mention of all the newsies and kinda from David's perspective. I enjoyed.
Arlene2 chapter 1 . 3/21/2004
Another story! You wrote another story! Yes! *calms down enough to read* This is just wonderful. Your characterizations, writing style, details, background, are all just lovely. It was a great read and I hope you write more. Wonderful :0)
Just Groovy chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
You wrote another one! I love it. David, looking in from the inside at something he just cannot understand. Jack, explaining without judging or assuming. Race, helping the little kids while still being a prankster. Les, providing David with a sort of base-a comparison point and a family tie. Mush and Blink being goofy and good-natured. Beautiful characters, well-written.
Your explanations were perfect; I could believe every situation you presented. Gah! I loved this one! Definitely a favorite. (Right along with "Race to the Finish" ... you're terrific with the Newsies!)
The Second Batgirl chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
Wow. That was an absolutely amazing story. I love all of your theories on each of the boys backstories. Keep up the good work.
studentnumber24601 chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
Oh many, this is gorgeous. You handled it beautifully and it's just... lovely. The laughing and brawling and goofing around really rings true for the movie, as does David trying to find his place. I like the backstories and how you presented them. This rocks.
ershey chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
wow, i really liked this ff! i really liked how you started it out with the marble game and mush and blink talking. that was so amusing, i can really imagine that happening to them. race is also so sweet for giving some of the marbles to the little kids.
i really loved this ff! too bad its only one chapter. hope to see more from ya!