Reviews for Master and Servant
Bemused Writer chapter 2 . 8/13/2019
I've been rereading The Cain Saga and ended up rereading this as well! I think you've captured Riff's voice particularly well. So far my favorite part is his musing on how Cain was raised as an aristocrat, so there are certain attitudes of his that are unequal by default. I'm certainly curious to see how things turn out; not an easy situation for anyone. I think it makes sense why Althea wouldn't want to keep the child; sounds like there's a lot of hardship there. Whether Cain will or not is another matter!
Ignis76 chapter 3 . 1/10/2013
Will Althea decide to keep the baby? Because despite how she feels now no mother could possibly hate her child that much. Augusta is a different breed of her own so there's no reason to lump her with other mothers.

And what is her relationship with Cain? Half the time he's cruel to her and acts like he hates her and the other half of time he acts gentle and it seems like he cares for her...
hollyivy7 chapter 3 . 5/18/2010
SapphireMistress chapter 2 . 1/28/2010
OMG...I love the way you write them! So realistic and well-written...just makes my knees wobble...

Such amazing work!

500/500 COOKIES!
Bemused Writer chapter 3 . 12/7/2009
I do hope you continue this. Everything is written extremely well, and I really like Althea; she's really a unique character and I think she's probably a better person than she lets on. You write Cain and Riff in a realistic manner as well. I'm curious to see how this story will end.

i make literalism an art form chapter 3 . 8/9/2009
i bow before your eternally awe-inspiring awesomeness in humble amazement. (does so)

my only request, oh great, powerful, and #* %ing smart ChibiRisu-san, is this: could you please find some spare time in your super important and busy life that you could deem worthwhile for working on this fic? (in case you haven't guessed from my name, i can't be sarcastic to save my pathetic, unworthy-to-even-talk-to-your-awesomeness hide)

if you find my request too taxing and/or offensive, could you be nice enough to simply state flat out if this fic is dead? while that would make me very sad (ie. miserable), i'd still be content to know that at least you were considerate enough to refrain from giving false hope (ie. even more painful than being shot down outright).

crushed beyond words chapter 3 . 7/23/2009
you know, last night i had the most wonderful, fantabulous dream involved you, your fic, and an update. so when i awoke, i foolishly sought out your fic, in the hopes of reading the update i dreamt about once more... i don't think i need to describe my absolute despair and disappointment at the realization that it was only a dream... so won't you be a kindhearted soul and update, please? even if it's to say that you've discontinued this fic? because that would be much kinder than leaving the unfortunate readers who come across this glorious fic with the unrequited hope that a part 4 will come someday...
once or twice chapter 3 . 6/8/2009
here's to wishing you'd update this...most likely discontinued fic... _sighs_ huzzah for futile endeavors... _sarcastic and downtrodden_
captain blood chapter 3 . 2/1/2009
oh, you know, i'd read this fic... probably about a year ago, i'm not certain, but i felt the need to revisit because i love your count cain fics so much. :D

your writing is wonderful, and i adore the witty humor you weave into both of these stories. i'm aware that the likelihood of you finishing 'master and servant' is nearly non-existent, seeing as how you posted it over five years ago, but if there is any chance at all, please let me know. i would most heartily look forward to it's conclusion.
potterfreak0515 chapter 3 . 1/8/2009
*sigh* You're never going to finish this, are you?

It's such a wonderful story! Cain and Althea's fights are hilarious! And Cain interrogating all the maids! And Cain just being so naive! And how protective he gets whenever Althea says something rude to Riff!

I really wish you'd finish this, but as it's been more than five years, that doesn't seem likely. :(
fluffernutter sandwich chapter 3 . 1/2/2009
...would it be worth the effort to request that you redirect a portion of your attention back to this, or is that a lost cause...? If it is, kindly excuse my cultivation of mushrooms as I mope.
book muncher chapter 3 . 12/12/2008
I don't suppose you would happen to strike upon inspiration and continue working on this particular story of yours, would you? It would be a downright shame if it was yet another incomplete and discontinued fic that drives many a reader up the wall of insanity from wanting to answer that age old question: "What happens next? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?"
kashii chapter 3 . 11/28/2008
I am in love with this story. You've captured their banter and tone very well, and I adore the situation you've crafted for them. I have added this story to my alerts, and would love to see future chapters.
AkitoTsubaki chapter 3 . 6/28/2008
I know the likelihood of this ever being updated is, like, next to nil...but I felt like dropping a review anyway, because it was wonderfully interesting and I enjoyed it thoroughly. There are too few well-written Count Cain fanfics out there; thanks for contributing to the meager supply, if even a little. ;
sasukichan chapter 3 . 1/6/2008
omg, this is such an awesome story!

i'm shocked that cain's actually that... eccentric! surely he's not that naive? to be that cluelessly insensitive! lol!

i don't want romance between althea and cain though. neva! he belongs to riff!

anyways, do continue the story! damn, i wish this fandom had a greater following b/c this story deserves to be read by A LOT more ppl!
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