Reviews for Cheaper by the Dozen
Jesstabulous chapter 12 . 7/26/2016
It's been years since I last read this fic and I still freaking LOVE IT! it seems to get better each time I read it, it is certainly in my top all time favs - so glad to see it still posted up for everyone to enjoy 3
Old Emerald Eye chapter 3 . 9/26/2014
Love how the Faith/Tara works. Tara/ everybody, actually. She's just so cute and shy and quiet that she most definatly has a devious mind working in there doesn't she?
I can't believe - actually, I have to , the evidance is right in front of me - how well you've charicterised them. I mean, they're still themselves (very much so in Anyas case) but they're also the Parker/Giles kids, all at the same time. Consider my mind blown.
P.S. I am totally using the epidermis thing sometime. Wickedly epic.
Old Emerald Eye chapter 1 . 9/26/2014
And there that Buffy/Faith-ness we all know and love. :)
That line, about Riley only beating her 'cause she was too young to play? Pure Faith.
This looks like it it might be educational. Now if only I had eleven siblings to practice on ... Or just Faith. And Tara. And Willow. And Daw - okay, pretty much all of them. I think I'm in love, or whatever they call that state of 'aww-cute-look-they-burnt-down-a-school-ness'.
RedLinen19 chapter 12 . 1/5/2013
It's close to three o'clock in the morning and I'm laughing to the point of tears. Anya and andrew, too hilarious! And I really felt for faith and tara made me want to hold her and the rest of them... Gosh so many emotions, lol. I really enjoyed this sorry
Nicol64 chapter 12 . 10/24/2009
OH WOW...i just read this and instantly loved it.

Anya and Andrew make the best twins...EVER!

And Tara's so cute o!

And of gotta love Faith Giles
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 12 . 11/25/2007
I love the transferening. Everything from the show and into this, fitting so nicely. I really do hope you write a sequal.
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 11 . 11/25/2007
Here Lies Bite Me Giles

She Was in Trouble

A Lot


This chapter was so well written. The solidarity was touching.

It was the Scoobie Heart times ten. It was so very much them.

I loved it. And again with the sweet, touchyness or the angst and then close following with the humor *sniggers* It was of them. Giles kids ROCK! LOL
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 10 . 11/25/2007
I can see why she loves them.

Harmony is simply adorable. They all are but she is just so cute. Tara too. The five youngest ones are the best.

Thus far :-D
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 9 . 11/25/2007
Figures Dawn is the only one who gets Dru.
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 8 . 11/25/2007

Terrifantabulicious! ;-D

Who are there parents though?

I can't even imagine.
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 7 . 11/25/2007
Is Angel Darla's brother?
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 5 . 11/25/2007
Wesley. I meant to say I think she'd be close to Wes and Xand to.

But particuraly more with Dawn and Linds.

What is with all the D-ness? And Spike. Love it. :-D

The kids are so cute and it's NO surprise that little Tara takes to him.
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 4 . 11/25/2007
They would be the closet to her. Dawn and Lindsey.

They do wicked so well. But the prodigy and the redhaired genius are catching up :-D
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 2 . 11/25/2007
I just love the reasoning behind five by five.

And I love the kids. They are so themselves but fit the hijinks of the first movie (haven't read the book or seen the second). Who is mommy, Joyce?

I am so glad that this has Cordy/Angel tendencies and if Spike is the coach I am so guessing that the mean kid is Lilah?

Darla? Gunn? No, Gunn is nice. Maybe it's a misunderstanding then.
Poseidon's Chickadee chapter 1 . 11/25/2007
Decent guy huh? Spike or Angel?

Then again the kid who teases Tara might be Spike :-D

I am so liking this. The roles are SO fitting.

Cordy is very Lenore. Riley very jock.

Dawn and Faith twins? Why didn't they stop there LOL

I am so looking forward to reading the rest
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