Reviews for La Ra Everlasting Frost
Casa Circe chapter 28 . 12/12/2009
Wow. You have no idea how excited I was to see this update in my email!

I'm glad you have decided to continue this amazing story. I have been waiting for years (literally) for the next chapter. I guess I'm going to have to check dA now. :)
windwraith chapter 28 . 12/12/2009
I am rather dissapointed at your decision to move the fic, i find reading stories at Deviant difficult both to read and keep up with since the chapters are spread across different documents and indespirsed with other stories this will be especally confusing for a large story such as this one. please reconsider and continue posting here as well. i am enjoying this story and am interested to see how it turns out. ~wraith
touhiren chapter 28 . 12/12/2009
FFN seems to have been eating all the URLs again. I would replace any '.'s with.
Sheeshasan chapter 27 . 10/14/2009
Oh God Please NO! Don't tell me that you have abandonned this story! It's the best Escaflowne story I've ever seen in my life! It's so complete and respectful of the real characters personnality! I never was such a fan of Dilandau (well of course he had charisma and all but I perfered Folken) but you made this story such a treat that I can't help finding him appealing. You really kept him in character but putting him in the circonstances you put him it was so interresting to see how he would react! Please I would love you so much if you decided to continue it! Hell! I think I would be willing to pay you to see another chapter of that little pearl of litterature!
Cynical Hazard chapter 27 . 7/5/2009
I really enjoyed reading this, Sakura! It was really well written and descriptive, sometimes I wish that I could write as good as you are. Some parts of it made me sad, but otherwise it's great! Keep up the good work!

Neqa'elis chapter 27 . 6/23/2009
“Your drink, sir.” Dilandau heard the slide of gloves against glass as the servant exchanged Allen’s drinks.

“What is this stuff?” Allen sniffed the glass warily. “It’s green!”


LOL, I swear some of the lines in your story had me laughing out loud; I've enjoyed reading it so much. I think I'll go back to the beginning and read it again when I have time. You've nailed Dilandau's personality perfectly in my opinion, and Folken's too. It's always great to see competent writing skills combined with creativity, and that's what this fic shows. I love all the plot twists! I really enjoyed reading La Ra Everlasting Frost and I hope you continue writing it someday. xoxo
Arakhne chapter 19 . 4/6/2008
Ok, so, I've been reading over this story for the last four or five days, and I was going to just put a review on the last chapter, instead on one on each, but I had to say this: I read this chapter last night before I went to bed, and, wow, this is the first story in a very long time that has actually made me paranoid, haha!

We had a cold front come through here recently, so as I was going to bed I kept thinking "o_o The Everlasting Frost... It's coming... Are all the windows closed? Oh man..." XD

Great stuff. I'm addicted to this story. Anywho, off to read more, and good luck with your writing!
Phyllis Nodrey chapter 27 . 2/27/2008
Arre yoou readdyy? Time for a lengthy review! o/

"Osmosis. I no longer need to see."

:rofl: One of my teachers last year had that Garfield poster up in her

room, the one where he's got books tied all over him. It says: I'm

learning by osmosis. Absolutely darling imagery.
DragonSteel chapter 27 . 2/26/2008
Wait... Dilandau knows that his Dragonslayers are being targeted? Darn it, I have to go re-read a couple chapters
Casa Circe chapter 27 . 2/25/2008
The wait is over. For now. I'm sorry for the delayed reaction, I've been too busy to sit down and really express how much I appreciate this story but now I have some time on my hands so here goes.

I'm so glad you finally found the time to update this really epic fanfic. I don't know when it's going to end but I don't want it to end very soon. It's just too darn good.

A lot of Dilandau in this chapter and Celena formally makes her entree into the lives of the seriously-confused characters. The chapter was very fast-paced and tied up a lot of loose ends, only to add more suspense at the end. But there's a sense of urgency in the tone of the entire piece.

On Celena: I'm glad that you've portrayed her as a strong, mysterious, and witty female character who has charm and energy almost rivalling Dilandau's. Most fan fiction with her in it tend to make her a weak, stupid, frail, and sissy girl whom Allen always has to protect. It's a refreshing change and I'm glad that you made her the kind of character Dilandau can really connect with. And I like the lioness! (she is not a dumb cat although I understand where the resentment is coming from).

On Dilandau: Spry as usual. At least some matters have been cleared up for him regarding his identity. He was really getting frustrated with his condition, wasn't he? I'm glad you gave him some closure...only to add more suspense at the end. Haha..Love the twist. I can only imagine adding, after your last sentence: A disgruntled Dilandau mutters, "Thanks a lot, universe. My life sucks." But he'll take it in stride. But I still can't wait for him to raise Hell in Freid.

On Hitomi: Again, I like your characterization of her as an integral, not-annoying female character. But I'm still glad that Dilandau made her his footrest. IT IS AN HONOR.

On Folken: He's finally decided on his destiny. Very vivid descriptions of their fight on the Vione (I tried listening to Epistle while reading and it matches). I can already imagine how that whole scene plays out. And how sweet of the Dragonslayers to be so devoted to Dilandau to the end.

On Allen: Poor bugger. It was nice (and funny) of Van to offer him that green "remedy". But yeah, it'll take more than wine for him to take it all in. I'm surprised Dilandau isn't repulsed by being related to Allen. But anyway.

Love the ending. I again imagined crickets chirping in that awkward silence before Dilandau breaks it with a quip. Cleverly done, as usual. Overall, excellent exposition and it will be very interesting to see them all meet at the Power Spot in Freid. Destiny takes its course. Can't wait for the next chapter. Find time if you can. :)
Maiden of the BH chapter 18 . 5/27/2007
Another review for my favorite Sakura in the world!

"But, this room, which belonged to Dilandau more than any other room in the fortress, had not a scrap of Dilandau in it." - Aww, that's sort of sad.

“They think he’s cute. They can’t resist him.” Chesta blushed and flattened out his mussed hair." - *grin* Of course he's cute!

"Three night from now." - change night to nights

Very freaky melting woman! Great job with the descriptions of her!

"Why am I so fickle? Fickle!" - Haha, I feel the same way as Hitomi sometimes.

"Of course, after Hitomi reminded her that sheS went around in trousers like a man" - small typo: sheS

Excelent chapter!
Raven4 chapter 26 . 4/23/2007
Ahh, what a place to cut off! I'm sorry about your accident, but glad to see it hasn't impaired your writing abilities in the least! This story gets better and better, so I hope you find the time to give us another chapter soon!
Casa Circe chapter 26 . 4/16/2007
sorry that it took this long for me to review...I hope you're doing better...I've been busy with graduating from High School, preparing for university and all that, so sorry for the work, as usual. Biting humor. Although the best part was the infomercial. Just kidding. I like it all (as usual). Nice to know that Hitomi recognizes Dilandau's greatness. and nice description of Dryden, by the way. He really does seem like Dilandau without the venom. And that piece on Allen's hair. True, underneath the whole chivalrous Knight Caeli act, is just another Van (the typical clueless anime protagonist who swears to "protect" everything in sight) with great HAIR. And Folken finally got the lowdown on Celena/Dilandau. I hope he does something about it. But then again, let's not work the guy too hard. And they're finally going to Freid! I wonder what role Prince Chid will play in all this? I guess I'll have to wait and see. For now, I look forward to your next update. And so I'm off to get me some Burn-It-Kleen...Cheers.
abandonnnnnned chapter 26 . 4/4/2007
Very interesting, I'm still dying to know about Jay/Verrine! I liked poor Folken's torment!
DreamFlight chapter 26 . 4/1/2007
Awesome chapter as usual! Thank you for updating - I'm still loving your story. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you too... I hope you continue to feel better!
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