Reviews for Persevere
cagna chapter 6 . 7/27/2009
i like the story. i'm happy i went looking for harry potter crossovers. please update soon.
Katty008 chapter 5 . 1/4/2008
Hah! Little does Kagome know that in a fit of rage Harry smashed one of the mirrors to pieces! Mwahaha!

All I can think of right now for some reason is that one part in all the Fullmetal Alchemist Harry Potter x-overs where Ed goes bonkers. "What do you MEAN the Philosopher's Stone was DESTROYED!"

Or Winry, in just Fullmetal Alchemist. "You BROKE my PRECIOUS AUTOMAIL?"
monkey's ninja chapter 4 . 8/28/2007
INU! Wow that was strange! My Rating-10!
IrishRoseHSM chapter 6 . 7/17/2007
I like your story alot! Its well writen and it works well with the books and the show. It interesting how you mixed the two storylines, and I have to say I'm impressed. Please UPDATE SOON.
Emerald-Eyed Pheonix chapter 6 . 6/20/2007
You aren't ever updating again, are you? Too bad. This is a great story.
NightSky chapter 6 . 2/6/2007
What a great story! I've never seen this take on it before so congrats for originality! D Question though, didn't Harry break his mirror in the end of book 5? Will they fix it? Did he even bring the pieces with him? Kagome going back in time to when Sirius and James were young was really fun, will she go back again?

Really hoping to read more from you soon! Ja ne, NightSky
DeathBright chapter 6 . 12/4/2006
oh! I'm...I'm... in love with your story!
foxcat chapter 6 . 9/12/2006
hi again, this one's good too. will you be continuing it? you wrote on your profile page saying that you haven't abandoned it, so i hope that still stands. dewa, ja ne!
Sevvy101 chapter 6 . 4/14/2006
UPDATE! i luv this story so much! please update soon! i know its bwwn a while but please update, for us reviewers at least! bye

Sevvy101 chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
luv it so much! yay kagome's coming! lol. luv it all! me go read more, byes!
Lou chapter 6 . 2/20/2006
Ahh! NO! *sobs* I can't be consoled, lol. ;-) This is a great story-though it's near hard to believe that Inuyasha will actually stay behind. If I were him, I'd be pretty dang freaked out to *hear* Kagome on the phone, and *smell* her in her house, unable to see her. Poor guy. ;-D Ahh, but, nevertheless, it's a great story, and I'm looking forward to more...
Lizard chapter 6 . 2/6/2006
PLeASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with a cherry on top... PLEASE UPDATE! this story is hella good! this is the best crossover i have ever read! Please come back from ur 2 year and 3 month vacation.
CAD386 chapter 6 . 1/30/2006

Wow. Awesome fic.

But you haven't updated in SO LONG!

Over a year! Almost two years!


So. Better update soon ...
VescaWithoutWings chapter 6 . 11/2/2005
cant wait for more
bluemonkey89 chapter 6 . 10/17/2005
I love this story so far. It's hard to find good Harry Potter and Inuyasha crossovers. But this is great. Update soon
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