Reviews for Can You See Me Now?
BlackPhoenix133 chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
This is so underrated.
You have perfectly captured the essence of their character something at which fanfiction writer rarely succeeded.
Elias chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Great Story!
Gryphaena chapter 1 . 9/30/2009
Hello. I am very glad I have found this again. I remember reading this years ago when I was an anonymous reviewer.

I like how you start off with showing us that the two are in detention by having Anzu write out lines.

I also like that you interrupt her writing with Kaiba's dialogue.

I think it's hilarious when I read her response to Kaiba's insensitivity.

"'"If you don't do your detention, I'll get blamed. The teacher will say I was distracting you,"' Anzu noted sourly. It had happened before."

The Anzu/Seto shipper in me takes this line for a different angle than what you meant.

"...I promised him I'd stay home for Christmas. Just like when we were little kids."

I think Takarada would have kept his promise if Kaiba had explained that to him.

'"If you'll recall, we're in here for the same reason. Remember? Kaiba go nap-nap in the middle of the teacher's lecture and when he woke up he punched her in the gut?"'

Oh, man! That image is too funny.

"I only have one person waiting for me, and sooner or later I'll break under the pressure."

I forget how stressful life must be for him.

"Don't worry. I'll keep hating you if you keep hating me."

I think it's great that she can understand a bit of him.

"Everywhere is the same to me today. Dark and uninviting."

I would think that a place with Mokuba in it wouldn't be dark or uninviting.

"Because you've seen only the bad."

"And I've seen only the good."

"And for us there can be no middle ground."

These three lines are very good summaries of the characters and their (nonromantic) relationship.

"People cannot explain their feelings to one another."

"Particularly not people like us."

I understand what you mean. People can try being in another person's shoes, though.

"Can you see me now?"

Maybe I can see these two characters a little more clearly.

Thank you. You may not be writing anymore but know that I will favorite this.
Ilex chapter 1 . 12/28/2007
My favourite fanfic of all I have ever read and the only one I have ever reviewed! I'm sorry, there is no constructive criticism I have to offer - because I think it was perfect. Are you considering becoming an author at all? You really should!
Nutpyro chapter 1 . 7/1/2006
me like this...
Lin Haku chapter 1 . 6/14/2006
Beautiful. There is no other way to describe this, I've never seen such an unique style of writing before. I almost wanted to cry, because this was so emotionally powerful, and also because I was listening to a sad song, but that's not the point.

Really, you made both of them exactly how I imagined them, the way they should be, talking normally minus the Duel Monsters for a change. I really stopped to think about each line, before going, " That was true, very well written."

I'd have to say, in my top 5 for one shots, this is beautiful.
LuvinAniManga chapter 1 . 5/31/2006
Hmm...that was a bit odd...and I was slightly confused, but it was quite good nonetheless! Very psycologically realistic: very nice!
Seriously Yours chapter 1 . 1/3/2006
This is so sweet. It really tossed Kaiba's charcter in to the sympathetic light. Simply amazing.
Ambiance-Dream chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
Odd? Yes, odd, but in a perfectly wonderful way! I have a few things to say. (Eh heh, that rhymes...)

(1) GOO t.A.T.u.! *drool*

(2) I love how you did this chapter. The progression of each piece of dialogue, every single thought was soo well done. This was quite intellectual, and even if you didn't intend it, it was quite romantic in a twisted sense. This was a very beautifully written piece... Definitely one of my favs. Pity, though, that it's not a setoxanzu fic... Good job! *-* Ja ne!
X-parrot chapter 1 . 7/31/2005
odd. but good. not a narrative style I recall seeing before, and surprisingly effective to illuminate the stark contrasts of character, and the point at which two seemingly parallel lines might intersect after all.
pat-nosferatu chapter 1 . 6/20/2005
Wow. This fic is great. I love deep fics like this one.
LeafeKnight7 chapter 1 . 4/18/2005
This was confusinf but I REALLY liked it. Ill have to listen to the song. _Ja ne!
frypan chapter 1 . 3/29/2005
xD Nice job! shifty eyes ech. No romance, eh? Pity..x)
hUeS -of- h a z e l chapter 1 . 3/1/2005
Hey, it's odd, but in a good way. I like it! Keep up the good work!

~Twilight Tear
The Great Bippety-Bop chapter 1 . 1/21/2005
(nods head) Absolutely true. You don't make the world seem like a horrible place, but you don't make it seem like a piece of cake, either. A feat in itself. _ This is great, please continue to write!
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