Reviews for So Lovely So Sorrowful: Houses of Healing
roswellwbfan chapter 16 . 1/5/2005
Your writing belies your age. I do not claim to know what horror being in high school has meant for your schedule but what I do know is that this story is wonderful and should be continued if at all possible.
AH or me chapter 7 . 6/30/2004
A) i love the story, ur doing i very good job though i am late in reading it

B) very happy to know the houses of healing will be in extended editon for i love the scene and david wenham

C) I am very glad to find someone who shares the love for both Faramir's, and Mr. Darcy

You are a good writer, Ta Ta
Telhyandowen chapter 16 . 6/28/2004
Haha. The last paragraph in your author's note sounds like me trying to explain myself late at night. I actually happen to like that for a chapter title. Very catchy. Whatever, any excuse for more Faramir is always justified. I love the introduction to the starry mantle as that was one of my favorite parts in the books. I can't wait for you to write Eowyn's reaction when he gives it to her. I'm so glad that you updated, I was getting worried for a while. Good luck with the next bit.
Spider-bear chapter 16 . 6/28/2004
once again nice chapter! i like faramir's cute! i wonder what eowyn visions when she daydreams...
Abare Killer chapter 16 . 6/25/2004
Great chapter, although it was confusing at first. Faramir is tripping out, it seems. Oh, and I forgive you for hating David Wenham... Update soon!
Baccus Cremaeus chapter 16 . 6/25/2004're VERY lucky I missed that AN about David Wenham or else I would have attacked you. But you are forgiven since you FINALLY updated, and made Faramir enter the world of helpless daydreamers *involuntarily points to herself* Err...anyways, it was a lovely chapter, and please update soon!
legolasluver1437 chapter 4 . 6/24/2004
i love your story and think it is well written! although i must disagree with your comment in chapter 4, i think faramir in the movies is very handsome! david wenham did an excellent job, and definatly has good looks. but oh well, to each her own! im also on the edge of stalking orlando bloom, what girl isnt? very very very good please keep writing!
Katy chapter 8 . 6/6/2004
This is a brilliant story. You can really understand what Eowyn and Faramir are feeling. I like Faramir/Eowyn pairing and there just aren't enough of these on . I'm so glad someone else likes Faramir too. I thought it was just me being the strange person I am.
Abare Killer chapter 15 . 5/15/2004
This story is incredible! When reading it, I linger on every word. Every emotion that Faramir or Eowyn feel, I feel. I have never read a better fan fic. Please update soon! You have no idea what joy it brings me to find others who are obsessed with Faramir like me. This is a wonderfully worded piece that Tolien would be proud of. Thank you for writing it, because it touches my very soul! Update soon!
~Midnite Flame~
Abare Killer chapter 4 . 5/9/2004
What I have read of this fanfic fills me with unending joy. It's so depressing, but it makes me happy to see other Faramir fans. The only disapointment is in your author's note in this chapter. Do you think that David Wenham is ugly? He is how I pictured Faramir, only, if possible, more grave, more stern, and even more handsome. And even though Faramir's character was ruined in the movie his appearence was nearly perfect.
Baccus Cremaeus chapter 15 . 5/8/2004
That was so good...*blows nose*
Update soon please!
Spider-bear chapter 15 . 4/23/2004
ohh poor faramir! thats so sad! he's still depressed about his mom...well update again! and sooner!
Barbara Kennedy chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this wonderfully lyrical tale today.
I look forward to immersing myself in the rest of this story soon. Alas, that I did not find it sooner. Yet, there is gladness in my heart that there be so many chapters yet to be savored and treasured in their time.
Look to hear many words of praise from me as I embark upon so pleasurable a journey though your written words.
Hannon le, mellon nin.
Magsluvsaragorn chapter 14 . 4/11/2004
i like it so far, but please don't change the title or i won't be able to find it again...i like the 2 points of view, and who doesn't love the Eowyn/Faramir romance? (only crazy people whose fave lotr characters are the evil guys...) anyway, keep going, i love this story!
Axa chapter 1 . 4/9/2004
That was very good! I'm glad to see there are writers who don't insist on writing alternate pairing stories.:glares at Aragon/Eowyn writers:
I'll definitly keep reading your stories.
P.S.: This is really random,but I found out that there are,like, 8 Grima/Eowyn fics! Those people need help. Badly..
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