Reviews for Another world
Lady SiriusCrowBlack chapter 12 . 1/2/2010
great story... it's good that jonas is better now and i really like his idea...

are you going to continue with this story?
Everdark61 chapter 12 . 5/31/2009
I've really enjoyed this, I wonder what will happen next. Update soon :)
Acacia Jules chapter 12 . 11/29/2005
This is a very intresting story. I'd love to see more.
Rei chapter 4 . 2/20/2005
SilentRiver chapter 2 . 2/15/2005
Very good.

pike2 chapter 12 . 2/15/2005
Hey great to see you back :o)
LJQ chapter 12 . 2/14/2005
Thankyou so much for continuing your story. As a Jonas fan, I felt he wasn't treated so great in season 7 because it seemed to me like since Daniel came back they just up and dropped Jonas like he never mattered. I'm one of the ones that's hoping that they'll bring him back to the show for season 9. As for your story, I think it's great. I felt so bad for Jonas because of what the Kelnownans did to him. I love how caring SG-1 and the SGC are toward him. I'm glad Jack took him home with him - I think the two of them have even more in common besides being friends and co-workers because now they've both been prisoners and been tortured as prisoners. Personally, I'd love to see both Jonas and Daniel on SG-1, I think there's room for both of them. I hope everything turns out well for Jonas in the end. Thanks for the update with your story and I'm looking forward to the next installment.
LJQ chapter 11 . 12/3/2004
Hi. I'm a huge Jonas fan and I just found your story and have really been enjoying reading it. I was thrilled to see that someone wrote a story with both Jonas and Daniel in it since I have always felt there was a place for both on the show and on the team. I do hope you decide to complete the story.
Nova42 chapter 11 . 7/16/2004
Hey your story seems really good so far. I don't know if you found a website yet but a really good one for summaries on any season wpuld be .com I get all my info from there. can't wait to hear more. If you need a beta reader I would love to do it...really I have nothing better to do with my time. Just send to
Replica Velocity a.k.a. X5 714 chapter 11 . 1/29/2004
oh this is so cool, i totaly believe the evil kelownians would do that:(
great story
FinallyAssimilated chapter 8 . 1/17/2004
WOW...Again :) Hey, EVERYBODY borrows plot devices...All I could think of was a sarcophagus...Nice that the Tokra came and did that...
I can tell you're hurrying though...Slow down, take your time, ENJOY IT...write for yourself, not for all of us adoring fans... we'll wait :)
I am EXACTLY the same way; when I get a good review or a request for more, I want to sit down and whip it out right away...but I have more fun and better results (and other authors have advised me of this) if I just "let it happen..."
Anyway, truly think you're doing a GREAT job with this... :) On to the next chapter... :)
FinallyAssimilated chapter 7 . 1/17/2004
WOW...Oh my...
Damned good stuff; have every intention of reading the rest, but wanted to congratulate you on this one...
One thing that I pick on people about: spelling. I'm an absolute maniac about it.
It seems (and I totally understand why) that you're hurrying through them (and I absolutely do the same thing) and missing key grammar and spelling things.
The problem is that it distracts from what you're trying to say; your stuff is good.
Some people use a "beta reader" for their stuff to eliminate that; me, I just read it about 57 times before I post (and I'm sure I still miss stuff...waiting for someone to call me on it).
Hope your break is going well :)
LiMiYa chapter 10 . 1/15/2004
Hum, the story now seems to have taken a different turn, with the torture scene and unknown girl.
What's going on?
Did you mention the earth being destroyed?
Cathy chapter 10 . 1/14/2004
Short but great part. Felt so sad for Jonas when he first woke up and was afraid of the man who tired to kill him. The vision or what ever Jonas had later was great. I can't wait to see where this is all going to go.
LiMiYa chapter 9 . 1/11/2004
Please continue with the story, by all means, if nothing else please have Jonas back to his old self again!
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