Reviews for Suffer
Crystia chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
This one made me want to cry, a little bit. :')
JennyEbs chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
Dude. Cute!(;
DriftingXDreamer chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
This is brilliant!

It's so sweet and beautiful, well-written and truthful! _
yukixharuyaoi chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
this made me tear up a bit. its sweet, and its true. magneficent job!
Anyjen chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
So sweet, so nice... I really liked it.

I love how you really capture the essense of the characters in your fics. :3
Adi88 chapter 1 . 2/9/2006
Again. I want to cry AGAIN for sheer sweetness. God, you're brilliant. And speaking of, I forgot to put in in the "Faith" one, I really liked Haru's patchwork love. The observing and everything. It seemed very in character, or they did, rather. The things love boiled down to for everyone.
Cerberusia chapter 1 . 1/9/2006
On my study wall, I have a 'Fanfic Hall of Fame'.

This consists of printed versions of absolutely beautiful fanfictions which I have found.

There are even different categories.

There's one called 'FB Haru/Yuki Sweet Angst'.

This is so going under it.
strawberry poo kmoo chapter 1 . 2/16/2005
Ah... I've been reading a lot if your Haru/Yuki fics lately, but was too lazy to review them XD.

Now that I have gvotten off my lazy butt, however, I must say that I absolutely love them! I especially like the one about 'silly things', and I really liked this one as well.

I just really loved your whole "sometimes they were weeds, sometimes they were flowers", and then at the end how he liked them all the same, no matter what they were _
Billy the Kangaroo chapter 1 . 12/4/2004
o.o UWAH! Wai wai! *heart*
runefallstar chapter 1 . 11/18/2004
Oh. Just...oh.

So wonderful. Touching and sweet and so full of all those "little things," that made me smile and feel just a little bit sad, but in a good way, and which has also made write incredible run-on sentences.

Aeias chapter 1 . 6/1/2004
That was the most precious thing...ever. You're a genius at Yuki POVs. Keep it up, you're amazing. :)
euraznvolnchks chapter 1 . 12/25/2003
first of all, this reviews basically all of the yuki pov fics (heh heh, i was too lazy to write separate ones) just so you know
oh wow, i think you are the best at yuki povs that i have seen so far. the way you make him seem so longing in all of his pov fics is just so...heartbreaking, i almost cried. don't get me wrong, your writing wasnt bad to make me feel like crying, its just the way you captured his feelings of separation and how he doesnt want to be separated from everyone, especially in Statice and Touched. i just love those two fics, i swear while i was reading i could physically feel my heart breaking for him, feeling how he felt, how much he wanted, how much he hurt when he knew he couldnt get it, i could just feel all of his pain, his longing. wow. i cannot believe how good you are. and in Burning and Believe, and even a little bit in the FB Snow fic, i could just feel how much he wanted to give in, and how much he felt like he cant. please keep writing, this is better than anything i have ever seen, internet or not.
Suomenneito chapter 1 . 12/4/2003
WOW! I really loved your fic! Even though I don't even like Haru/Yuki pairing I liked the way you described everything: very slow and simply. I wish I would have invented that suffer/fight thingy! #D
D'you have any other fics?
a lazy loggerinerer chapter 1 . 11/25/2003
ah i'm not much of a HaruxYuki fan, but this was really really sweet... it's so beautiful, wonderfully written, with all the breaks and all and Yuki's pov put a different perspective of it all- It's very sweet and cute...
Jessiegurl43953 chapter 1 . 11/16/2003
That was just gorgeous! Perhaps the sweetest story I've ever read. You write great from Yuki's POV, and Haru was also in-character. You should write another!
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