Reviews for Tangled Plans
GeorgeTobor chapter 20 . 1/25/2018
It might be fun for you to write a story where THE SHOP is beat down, blasted, buried, with a high body count.

I'd make it a crossover with Willow and Jean, Natasha would be great as well.

Three upset redheads, the Black Widow is the least scary, she will shoot to kill.

Willow can curse, a lifetime of suffering.

Jean can rewrite minds...
GeorgeTobor chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
I can't believe I was the last person to review this back in 2015!

I am reading this again because I need to distract myself, cheer myself up, just a little.

My cat Clarence died a week ago, he was 13 years old.

Thanks for writing, don't reply to this, just please write more.
GeorgeTobor chapter 40 . 1/21/2015
Very, very good!
I really wish you wrote more. Waking up Sheila and Ira was a nice touch. I prefer Tara to Oz but not by that much, and sending Tara off should keep Warren from killing her. Vic can keep Joyce safe plus help Buffy on patrols too. Glory facing the X-Men... Buffy might not die and that means no First Evil to face. Willow ... she was treated so very badly by Joss the Jerk! Giles should have sent her to the Coven right after she did the resouling spell. If the Coven was able to "feel" Willow in season six they should have done so back then too! Soul magic cannot be anything but serious and powerful! Joss did everything but have his characters raped onscreen! While the world he made was inspired he was a JERK and worse...

Thanks for the fic!
Veedramon chapter 40 . 11/15/2014
Well, I guess Dawn is next? Also no mind fusion so that avoids problems later.
Veedramon chapter 39 . 11/15/2014
Well, at least someone more responsible will hopefully take care of the project.
Veedramon chapter 38 . 11/15/2014
Oh damn.,.. well at least is during the day.
Veedramon chapter 37 . 11/15/2014
Sauron? That name sounds familiar.
Veedramon chapter 36 . 11/15/2014
Things seem to be warping up.
Veedramon chapter 35 . 11/15/2014
Riley and Buffy? This will end going wrong...
Veedramon chapter 34 . 11/15/2014
Yeah, Willow parents just are... not there.
Veedramon chapter 33 . 11/15/2014
Bad parents alright.
Veedramon chapter 32 . 11/15/2014
Well, that takes care of Adam.
Veedramon chapter 31 . 11/13/2014
Yeah, she is an awful mother, she would not even have noticed if Willow just had got a replacement fish.
Veedramon chapter 30 . 11/13/2014
Oh damn, Adam is awake.
Veedramon chapter 29 . 11/13/2014
Yeah, Sunnyhell sucks.
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