Reviews for Looking back at Termina
XPloyalist chapter 6 . 8/7/2012
"Malon took out a sandwich and tossed it to Link. Link looked inside and found a Deku Scrub sandwich. It warmed Link's heart to know that Malon still went all out to find his favorite meats."

Up until this point, I regarded this fic as an above-average retelling with a framing device. But because of this trio of sentences, your fic is fail. First of all, Deku Scrubs are shown by their character design to be plant people, and therefore not have what we would recognize as "meat". This is also shown by Deku Link's vulnerability to fire: wood burns much more easily than flesh. Secondly, Link is willingly eating the "meat" of a sentient being that someone murdered, and no one has a problem with it. He undoubtedly knows that Deku Scrubs as sentient lifeforms, as they are shown to be capable of speech and barter in Ocarina of Time and have their own friggin palace in Majora's Mask, complete with architecture, organized security force, and music. Thirdly, Deku Scrubs aren't like cows. Sentient beings usually don't enjoy being killed to serve as the consumable energy source of others, and will voice their complaints towards you. They're smart enough to try to escape being cattle that will eventually die to feed others. So where is the "meat" coming from? Did Malon go out to the Lost Woods and find a Deku Scrub to murder and slice into pieces, all for Link?
RavenLord66 chapter 14 . 4/20/2005
Being a die-hard Zelda fan, i have to say that i enjoyed this a lot. there is not much left to say, but that it was really good. just some advice to a fellow writer: now that you have writen something like that, try something that leads link on a different adventure, make up a new land and have him go through many obstacles, etc. once again, this was very good, and i really really, liked it. Way to go.
GreenPheonix chapter 9 . 6/22/2004
This is so cool!-I like the "Ingo Wannabes" part!XD
alexpuppy chapter 1 . 2/4/2002
I love this! You should make another. A secule(spelling wrong) to this and it should be about when Link reterns to termaina and he brings Malon with him! thats a nice request for a good idea!
stonetiger chapter 1 . 9/28/2001
Barrysun chapter 9 . 9/26/2001
I would be a better idea if you get the stone mask before going to see the Gerudo pirates.

The Pirates will never kick you out if you put on the stone mask.

it's just a tip for you.
Barrysun chapter 2 . 9/2/2001
I have a tip for you.

If you read my fic, Tips & secrets for Zelda, Majora's mask,

you'll might beat the game lot more easyer.

I you will like it.
Neil chapter 14 . 7/13/2001
Dude, this was Excellent.
Martial Arts Master chapter 14 . 7/9/2001
All right! This was great all the way. Too bad it's not as easy to beat the bosses in the GAME...
Barrysun chapter 1 . 4/6/2001
I relly like this story.
reiko chapter 14 . 3/29/2001
WOW! My brother just got Majora's Mask and now I find this totally cool fic on it. Now if I could just get over this flu bug...
The Infamous Billy chapter 14 . 3/26/2001
I just wanted to say that YOU ROCK KOKIRI! You're my fave zelda author. Also, to bunnyhood, READ THE PREQUELS before you make assumptions about plot holes (Although NOBODY ever put in why ganondorf isn't still there, and to bring ANYTHING related to him into the fic, you HAVE to take big leaps)

I'm looking forward to your next fic, maybe it could take place after malon and link have their first child? Being the Son of the hero of time may have some interesting stories in the making. E-Mail me if you think Its a good Idea!
Link Farted chapter 14 . 2/19/2001
The last part of the fic was nice.. Link and Malon are a pretty good couple.. But anyway, I read all the 14 chapters, and i thought they were great! Your a great writter!
Nekonezume chapter 14 . 1/31/2001
;_; that was awesome. Especially the last part. But why didn't you get Link to propose to Malon? Oh well, no matter. Excellant. That was great.
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