Reviews for Darkness Falls
ladysakura31 chapter 7 . 11/20/2012
Oh wow! This story is getting good! I hope u have time to finish this! I've read all ur stories so far and I have to say I love ur writing style. U have a great way of describing everything to perfection. Hope to read something new soon XD
viscomica chapter 7 . 11/5/2011
I know you're probably never gonna continue this but...oh, well, a girl can dream, right? Anyway, I love this fanfiction so much! Every character has something interesting to say or do and so I find myself so drawn into the story! Poor Gaara, he's been through so much! And Naruto and Sasuke gotta sort things out somehow. Really, this is just so awesome!
An Antidote chapter 7 . 1/27/2007
update soon
An Antidote chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
good job men... can't wait to read more
VioletIsInPain chapter 1 . 11/17/2006
what in the world i hate you so much{just kidding) oh please dont take that the wrong way i just suck at writing im only joking sobye XP
poprika chapter 7 . 10/16/2006
Oh, man. You can't just leave us hanging there! What will happen next?

I love this story so far, you've done a really good job with it. The plot's very unique and interesting- it just pulls you in! I love your descriptions and dark scenes, they're really well done.

Rosadina chapter 7 . 3/29/2006
This trilogy has been so wonderful that I've put you on my author alerts. Although you haven't updated in over a year I find myself hoping that you will, soon. "sniffs" Pretty please?
TheBeingOfEverything chapter 1 . 3/12/2006
Oh wow this is interesting!

please update soon!
Fic Slayr chapter 7 . 3/3/2006
hmm kinda angsty but good chap
Fic Slayr chapter 2 . 3/2/2006
HAHAHAAH THATS GREAT about gaara wouldnt the shield stop the attack?
Fic Slayr chapter 1 . 3/2/2006
hm sakuras gonna be a problem..
sarah-uchiha90 chapter 7 . 12/29/2005
I am VERY, VERY dissapointed in you. "TBC"? It's been more then TWO YEARS! Another chapter please! I'm dying to know what happens. Please write more? *puppy eyes*
sarah-uchiha90 chapter 1 . 12/29/2005
Oh god, I read the first chapter, and when I saw the "TBC...?" I just thought "OH GOD NO PLEASE LET THERE BE ANOTHER CHAPTER!", and fortunatly there was
Insane Dragon Slayer chapter 1 . 9/16/2005
Hei Feng Ying chapter 7 . 7/8/2005
This story rocks my socks! I simply luv it Naruto is so Kawaii!Oh yeah and i love the part when you made Gaara cook for Naruto _ but yeah i agree with you, it turn out to be a bit dark but nonetheless exciting and angsty D Great and overwhelming story. Hope you will continue it till the end. Ahh i just can't wait! oh wait i should be quiet not to disturbing the two * refering to Naruto and Sasuke sleeping* aww they are so adorable together _ Update soon!
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