Reviews for GoodBye
MizukiiMoon chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
Such an amazing story. Poor, poor Sonic ;; He loves Tails so much, I can just imagine how broken he must feel to give him away to someone else. I bet Sonic would have wanted to adopt him himself :(

I know it's probably asking a lot but, would love to see a sequel to this someday x3
Loubhin chapter 4 . 6/22/2007
*sniffles* It's so heart-wrenching! They miss each other so much! Aw, I love this fic! I wish you would update it!
Katyboo89 chapter 4 . 3/12/2005

That's sad.. But so darn well written. _

It really tells a lot about the brotherly love they share. You don't see a lot of that on the net nowadays.

Anyway, great work and keep it up!
Foxgirl12 chapter 4 . 11/19/2004
*sniffle* This is a really emotional story. I mean, I was crying as I read each chapter and how much of an emotional wreck Sonic was becoming. Please update soon_
Sonictear chapter 4 . 3/5/2004
I loved this chapter (4) It represented how Tails missed Sonic just as much as Sonic missed Tails!
You gotta write another chapter were Sonic cries!
I love it when the hero cries! and I bet alot of other kids do too!
npelone chapter 4 . 12/29/2003
Well, I've read the entire story a few times, so I'm gonna review it all in one clean swipe(err...whatever)
The emotions in this fic have made me feel things that used to haunt me...for some reason. I LOVE IT. Emotional detail...
Keep going with this. I WANNA SEE A CHAPTER 5!
LinkTriforce chapter 4 . 12/15/2003
Wow, not bad at all. It's great to get a Sonic fic with such emotion in it. Sure... I really can't see were this is going but who the hell cares when you get the emotions right? Loving it, hurry up.
Hawk Mage chapter 4 . 12/15/2003
Poor Sonic. I hope he and Tails get back together. I love it a lot. This is a very good story. This is one of my favorites.
Ice Cold Husky chapter 4 . 12/15/2003
The story is interesting. It's not common to see Sonic show emotions like the ones he shows in your story. I enjoy seeing what an author can do to ones character come situations like this. Even Sonic can show emotions right?
The plot line is simple but it seems to be heading in one direction. You could put some kind of turn of events that'll take the story into a not so predictable direction. You've yet to describe what the father looks like. Aside from those things, your story is fine. Keep up the good work. I'll be looking out for the next chap.
Angel Becky chapter 4 . 12/15/2003
Aw, that's so sad!
Aeropause chapter 4 . 12/15/2003
I'm glad that you gave this story a new chapter, it seemd kind of short though. Maybe more text and interaction in chapter 5 I hope that all things are well in your life, and have a happy holiday season.
9/10,Enjoy Life
ChaosShadow chapter 4 . 12/14/2003
Aw! Poor Sonic! I hope he gets to see Tails again. Good job bro! Peace!
Mana chapter 3 . 12/2/2003
Please add more. I'm at a cliff hanger over here. While waiting, I shall glomp Knuckles!
Knuckles: *turning red* get this kitsune off me!
*turning blue* PLEASE!
*turning black* help!
OOPS! Man, this happened with tailruler12 too. OH well! Just have to wake up two sexy guys now!
Mana chapter 1 . 11/30/2003
*rubs eyes* so sad... I hope Sonic and Tails see eachother again. *sniff* I feel really sorry for them. Ithink I'll be nice to my twin for now. Okay, bye!
Susie chapter 1 . 11/22/2003
Aw...I love that! Call me crazy but that first chapter really brought tears to my eyes! I loved it! You are a true writer, I tell ya!I love lil Tails and when things like this happen to him (and bad things happen to him) just makes me love him more! Great chapter!
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