Reviews for Sewers and Judgment
alescA Munroe chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
_ This was the best. Was it Cloud's POV? Write more soon, hm?
xSummonerYunax chapter 1 . 2/13/2004
Hmm...very very interesting. It seems as if Tifa and Reno had a past relationship of some sort. I have never read a one shot like this before. Short, but original.
nnnnn chapter 1 . 2/1/2004
Sunflower-chan chapter 1 . 12/31/2003
*claps long and hard*
iknowthewords chapter 1 . 10/22/2003
It's good reading something of yours again, though I've probably said that before. And this was really great. Ugh, I'm sorry, but when I get excited about something I read, I leave a horrible review! I could just be saying what everyone else has...

I liked the little suggestions here and there of something that may have been between them before, though you never really came out and said it. And I remember at the top of the plate, I'd just thought that he brushed past her and left her spinning, not that he'd really caused her to purposely... I like what you did with that.

And Cloud wasn't (completely) left in the dark this time! That was an interesting point of view for a change.

Sorry for the crummy review, but I don't think you'd rather I didn't leave one at all. That's a nice little vignette you got there. It made me happy. _
Jess Angel chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
Oh ho ho!

What is this I see? Shades of Tifa and Reno, maybe? M _-...Even though I'm into the original/conventional couples, I'm such a huge fan of alternate pairings. Well-written so far. Interesting tension...I wonder what the cause behind it is *evil laugh* Hehe. Cool how you put this chapter in Cloud's perspective. Anyway, I'd like to see more of this.

If you continue, I'll be sure to follow _ Write on, kimetera!

Jess 0:o)
soda-cola-pop chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
_ stupid little me was just going to ask if this was a one shot... _ but i remembered reading it as a multi part, hahaha! _

wah! _ kimetara, it's been so long, and now that i'm back, i've seen how much better you already are! :) well, that's an understatement, really... your writing blomed, to say the least. :)

just wondering... why th animosity? wow, though, the emotions was tense and intense (hehe, i lack sleep, don't mind me!) so... this is a tifa/reno one? *laughs* haha, i'm a weird one! :P oh yeah, nice title (even if you didn't make it, you still CHOSE it _)

anyway, haha, from cloud's perspective eh? :) good thing you didn't make him as dense as some fic writers do. :D harhar, anyway... :) please do inform me when you get the next chapter up. :) i'm looking forward for more!

*hugs and kisses from rachel*


rach c",