Reviews for Slave for a Week
Aquamarine Cherry Blossom-chan chapter 5 . 7/22/2012
Okay. I'm speechless.
This fanfic is one of the best fanfic ive ever read.
You're amazing! and I'm not lying.
Please update this soon -b i wanna see what's gonna happen next (:
Mishrav Mikura chapter 5 . 4/14/2012
Hi! I read this from and I was wondering if this is really completed. :)
Liley chapter 4 . 4/2/2011
Hello Celestielle i've just went on your profile.

And i could say You are really amazing.

You started writing this wonderful story at the age of thirteen?

Respect. And also wanted to thank you for not deleting this story. If not i would have never had the chance of reading it eheh

Even thought you didn't updates for a long time i still have hopes! XD Since well i'm happy that your still on fanficton :

That means one day you would updates right? :D

Well enough of talking x)!

Gnite~ ( yea... i finished your fanfic at 5:50 a.m and i didn't sleep yet!)
Liley chapter 5 . 4/2/2011

This is so good seriously. How you write ,everything is perfect!

Now i can only do one thing: Prying in front of my computer that one day i will see this story getting updated.! xD
pespeleatsoka chapter 5 . 12/29/2010
Nyah...please update your I've seen the last time you updated on this man...and's been a tad too Long buddy... :))) what is eriolmexactly on this story anyway?
crimsondragonn chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
this story is awesome! that is all i hav to say... for now! reveiw ya later!

EchizenRyoma chapter 5 . 5/24/2009
this story is really interesting. it makes me want to hear the end of it. their exchanges in their sarcastic remarks or maybe even their insults caught my attention. it has an amazing plot.
Deadient chapter 2 . 1/31/2009
Aww... Syaoran's sp sweet at the end!


Update soon please!

Thanks, Akemi
Shizukachuu chapter 5 . 1/16/2009
i wish there was another chapter. my friend told me it hasn't been updated in a long time. it's a good story. when will it get to the love point. i've onlt been reading this story at the moment since no one's story is updated.
Sakura-chin chapter 4 . 1/14/2009
i like syaoran retailation ut i dont like the aunties. i cant vbelieve they want to be with syaoran. eck!

ilike the line 'Too much alcohol? Is he nuts! I don’t drink. Well, just a little sometimes. And I’m a good boy. I’m a playboy, but I’m basically a good boy.' It's so funny. i told a friend and she was ROFL. im onto the next chappie. we! oh yeah

syaoran is outta words syaoran is outta words -singing my heart out-
Shizukachuu chapter 3 . 1/13/2009
i love this story. Mei xin and mei lin sound like brat in other words b*. I cant believe Mei lin and Mei xin are his aunties. but really mei lin is his cousins. Whatever i have to patient till i can go on net again.
Shizukachuu chapter 2 . 1/10/2009
Aw... How sweet? Syaoran is actually nice on the inside. Sakura judged his appearance now what I think about the story. I like how Syaoran retaliate. It's funny. In every CCs story its very obvious what happens in every love story. The Iguana bit is funny that it made me laugh but it's not the funniest. Syaoran is funny and is also my favourite character. NOw my favourite part of this story is the kissing myself. He always makes a joke out of it. Sakura is a naughty, naughty girl. Btw I hadn't notice that I just wrote or typed up a long review for this chapter. That means that I like this chapter at the moment.
Shizukachuu chapter 1 . 1/10/2009
Interesting. This is an excellent fanfic I have say. What does Au contraire and Ne Parlez pas mean? I know what princesse means. Btw I never thought Syaoran would like Sakura that quickly. I feel sorry Sakura-chan.
snowy-night chapter 5 . 1/4/2009
It's good. In the first chapter, I thought that the first part was way too long and redundant. We only found out what Tomoyo wanted god knows how long. But then it got better. Still, sometimes, you seem to get carried away and you keep repeating things over and over.

I'm sorry if this seems like a flame, but that was what I honestly thought.

Still, I would like to continue reading this. So I hope you would update.
Deadient chapter 5 . 10/20/2008
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