Reviews for Space: Inuyasha's Yearning
smileys08 chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
Um, I think the first part is good but I don't really like the second half. I mean, she's dead, and you just switch from her being dead to them being in the rain. You could say something about him wishing for that instead of having such an abrupt change. I still like the second part, but I don't think it really goes with this poem. But you can definitely feel his emotion, at least some of it, from the first half
fallenphoenixrising chapter 1 . 11/3/2007
Hey I like your poems, they have the beginings of something great. the only thing is, it doesnt seem real to me yet, there doesnt seem as much emotion. you might try writing about something in the story you relate to so it will have your own feelings behind it, at least that's what i do. not trying to be critical i really do think they're good, just thought i'd offer some advice, take it or delete it your choice.
My Soul Your Puppet chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
WoW! Great job. Later.

My Soul Your Puppet:)
Kiome-Yasha chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
Aw... I actually got teary! This was so sad. I'll admit right here that I'm a Inu/Kag fan, but also got the luv n hotz for Inu/kik! You did a great job! I loved the intense emotions he's feeling over his lost dead luv! Excellent work!O
celestial-angel40 chapter 1 . 11/11/2005
Awesome! I love your poem, it's very nicely done. I'm more of the Inu/Kag and Kikyo(u)/Suikotsu, but Kik/Inu is wonderful, too!

Kimera Diablos, I didn't understand one word you wrote down, next time, spell it properly.
Kusaki Hayashi chapter 1 . 1/9/2005

You are a genius, my friend, a genius!

I am officially your best friend for LIFE!

InuXkikyou 4EVER!
Heather chapter 1 . 10/21/2004
I like it. I like the Kikyo poem too. A few words I don't understand (but thats normal for me) Anyways, it's good...ur stories should be good too.
Aero Tendo chapter 1 . 10/1/2004
Nice poem, keep it up! :)
Shmoo Babies chapter 1 . 9/17/2004
Hey-so what's up? Have you've gone to Go-gaia yet? I hope you have cuz I don't relpy to reviews anymore...sorry. But trust me is soper fun there and you can find my avi! Please use my email for now on, please. or just pm me on go-gaia -okay!
Death by Love chapter 1 . 9/4/2004
This was nice...I liked it a lot.

It was one of the poems that acually

made sense. Please make more poems.
Aki T chapter 1 . 7/3/2004
Ooh, another good one! These poems are beautiful! -sigh- I wish I could write like that... -Aki
RufioDude12 chapter 1 . 6/11/2004
Hi its Weird Al62 from like last year sorry for not um updating my story forever but i hae new storys now and i read all your stories and poems

some are good some are offense though no offense

but uh(thinks and taps head)


well i support your story*Salutes*Next Chappie
Reaka chapter 1 . 5/28/2004
Wow. That was good! I like it!
Instant Coffee chapter 1 . 5/23/2004
Aw...I just love your poems, Joey! You have a real natural gift...your way with words...5 thumbs up! :D
xXMidori-ChanXx chapter 1 . 4/14/2004
It's a very well written poem. Very deep for InuYasha to think and say such things, but then it's Kikyou, his first love. Keep writing these lovely poems.
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