Reviews for The Ride Home
friend2friend1 chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
thehoodedsweatshirt chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
I've been on a Russell/Holmes binge, rereading the entire series and many of Laurie R King's companion pieces. And while I've always been on the fence regarding the Russell/Holmes marriage (I do realize that I am in a minority here), you have done a WONDERFUL job with this ficlet. One of my foremost concerns is that pesky emotional component between our two titular characters. To say that the characters are known to have a tight lid on their feelings/passions/emotions would be an understatement, but you did a spot-on job capturing the awkwardness of this difficult but necessary conversation. Fics like yours are such a joy to find because I can easily see this fitting in the regular Russell Kanon.

I know it has been a while but with the new book coming out in February 2015, I hope to find the inspiration to write more!

ferryboat George chapter 1 . 3/13/2013
I just finished reading the second book with the 'dock scene' as you put it, and I very much enjoyed this addition. I think it fits in very nicely and you write beautifully.
Lady Heliotrope chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
Oh thank you so much...THIS was what I must have been looking for tonight. Now I can go to sleep.
Ms. Virago chapter 1 . 10/21/2009
Incredibly sweet without diving into that sad realm of complete abandonment of canon character traits. The narration from Mary's point of view is lovely and particularly on point. Very nice job.
RedBrick chapter 1 . 6/28/2007
this is really good and qite in character
hollybridgetpeppermint chapter 1 . 2/13/2007
yes! YES!


and i think you should move this fic to the 'laurie r. king' section so all of us russell fans can find it...after all, not everyone who's read holmes books has read russell books, but everyone who's read russell books has read holmes books...did that make any sense whatsoever? ah well...*shrug*



p.s. i'm putting this story on my favorites list!
The Sin they called Pride chapter 1 . 7/19/2006
This is so cute :) It's kind of rare to see them be all fluff like this in the books and it's refreshing to see them be...fluff :)
nitscali1 chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
I really liked this story. I can personally relate to her feelings. I love the fact that Russell and Holmes are married. You did a great take on it!
Panteran chapter 1 . 12/22/2004
Wow! I love this-you've captured the voices, personalities, and tone perfectly. I felt like I was reading an extension of the book. I do hope you write more, because its incredibly refreshing to find such a good writer taking on such interesting and fun books. Congrats!
BlackMoon13 chapter 1 . 9/17/2004
Thank you 4 doing this story. It is just what I was looking for.I must say this has to be one of my fav. storys I have ever read at this sight. I am the bigest fan you could find 4 Sh/Russ and I am sad that there are so few of you so much.
Quenril chapter 1 . 8/23/2004
YAY! I love Russell/Homes stories...although I admit I've already read this on The Hive. A great site, is it not? Not a single trashy story. I liked your writing style; it was very close to Mrs. King's, yet also had your own personality. Very well written!
tolkien fan chapter 1 . 8/12/2004
lovin the story you know the material please do some more
frypan chapter 1 . 7/19/2004
_ GREAT! I LOVED it! Nice write more Laurie King's Russel stories!
violet lily13 chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
This was a brilliant story. Very realistic, keeping to Laurie R. King's writing style perfectly. Romantic too (I sniffed at the end. You should write more, you're really good at it. Keppt of the good work.
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