Reviews for Marriage
Rally Tonight chapter 10 . 12/17/2006
wow i havent reviewed? geez i guess i've been to busy reading these two stories XD

I fell in love with the prequal to this story when i read it, and then i read this one the very same day. i just love these two stories to death. julie/portman rocks! i also love seeing the soft side of dean once in a while!

just had to let you know how much i love these stories!

IneedDucks chapter 10 . 5/1/2004
I read Relationships and fell so in love with the story that I had to read Marriage. Good work!
nightsiren02 chapter 10 . 11/20/2003
This was a really good fic including the prequeal to this one. Good job

ja ne
ragdollie chapter 10 . 11/14/2003
This is so sweet! I loved it!
Ashlee chapter 10 . 11/3/2003
great, wonderful, just like the last one, a little abrupt at the ending but I know how it gets.
fh567 chapter 10 . 10/9/2003
OMG I loved the ending. It was so good. I love both those Kenny Chesney songs and they really do work perfectly here. It was great!
BoogityWhup16 chapter 10 . 10/9/2003
I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC AND KENNY CHESNEY IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SINGERS OF ALL TIME! you rock, I loved this chapter to the ends of this earth, "The good stuff" is one of my favorite songs. )
rubix the cube chapter 10 . 10/8/2003
YEAH this is defenatly one of the best storys out there. I really like it. A new story soon~ Allie

P.S. I wouldn't be objected to a 3rd in this series *wink wink*nudge nudge*
lexani chapter 9 . 10/7/2003
Ding dong the witch is dead...

oh, ahem, did I say that out loud. :) *Blushing*

Sorry that she died, but glad she isnt around to ruin lives. Portman better come back, their love is stronger than that! I hope he comes back, too many men leave. Julie was a bad lady for saying that, but I know how it is to blurt out something you dont mean.

Love your story, I hope that isnt the end!
Lexani chapter 3 . 10/7/2003
I loved this chapter, I am sentimental and crap and a guy singing is just the best! Good lookin' out, that's tight. Their love is precious!

Can't wait to read more!
A Concerned Reader chapter 8 . 10/6/2003
Hey now, it took me awhile to compose that note without being too offensive. And you delete it. I'm only trying to help you with your writing. Learn what you use in your plot. You can't have a civil law case against improper parenting. You can't have a private party sue. That's just the tip of the iceburg. Mary Sue, cliche, poorly written, I don't know what else to say... Well I do but I'll leave it at that.
rubix the cube chapter 9 . 10/6/2003
yeah! update soon ~Allie
rubix the cube chapter 8 . 10/1/2003
YEAH BOMBAY! y is it always him that comes to the rescue when the ducks have problems? I don't know and I don't care. Bombay is cool!~Allie
fh567 chapter 7 . 9/29/2003
Arg. Stupid Julie's mom, she's so evil. But I am glad that Portman agreed to stay in school. I mean, he'd still be in the story anyway but I wouldn't get to see mental pictures of him playing hockey. Well, I could use my own imagination, but...I'm too lazy. Anyway, update soon!
BoogityWhup16 chapter 7 . 9/29/2003
I have always loved that movie! You did a really good job on Relationships and this one is comming along quite ducky! Keep up the good work and update soon!
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