Reviews for Whitefriars Lane
srig chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
No exit D wonderful!
Angie chapter 1 . 7/30/2005
Yes, a sequel would be very nice indeed. I too feel strongly Xellos should not get away with such an evil thing is WRONG! INJUST! *GACK!* I sound like Amelia!That is so sick, 'cuz i fucking hate her!Ahem... anyway nice fic.
Neko Baka Z chapter 1 . 10/6/2003
oh, dark disturbing fic! nice! **grins** Rainjewel, you did it again, another really excellent fanfic, although you might want to watch editing. A random word in there that just didn't fit, I believe 'hands' instead of 'fingers', for example. But hey, I do that sometimes too. Other than that, it's really really really GOOD! You so need to continue on, and please don't give it a fluffy ending.

Jassy chapter 1 . 9/7/2003
Yes! do a sequel! you must! you can't leave it at that! Please! Sequel sequel sequel! By the way, it was good! i liked it! oh well, g2g, Ja!
Sunatic chapter 1 . 9/7/2003
Yes, do a sequel! I command you! We want more! I just loved this, let the story continue. Please! _
ex-angel lazy chapter 1 . 9/6/2003
good good, as always. i like the details of zel's past, they add nicely. great job.
Iisjah chapter 1 . 9/6/2003
A sequel?

And you ask!

Of course we want a sequel.

Isn't this right my fair pokemon?


You hear him.

We want a sequel!

PS I don't like pokemon as a anime but I adore those kawaii, fluffy things ekhem pokemons.
Beedoo chapter 1 . 9/5/2003
Way awesome fic. Incredible writing. *Oliver Twist voice* Please, rainjew'l, may I have sommor?
Yugure chapter 1 . 9/5/2003
I luv this story! It's so icky-dark and gruesome and mentally terrifying. Especially the ending... *shivers* Surely I'm not the only one who likes disturbing dark fics? As for a sequel... well, having read your writing, I would want to demand ANYTHING else that you could write because I really like your style. I think this fic could stand alone on its own... it has a tragic ending but it works. Fluffiness would indeed be a cop out.
Mondbat chapter 1 . 9/5/2003
Oh, I love your fic, the way you wrote it and the plot. Great job! It need a sequel, please!
Sar-kaz-m chapter 1 . 9/5/2003
O! Very cool story. I like Evil!Xelloss and Empathic!Zelgadis. That's a neat touch by the way: if Zel was truly empathic, in the psychic sense of the word, then his coldness is a defence mechanism... And that it was all machination to get Zelgadis! OO! I can't wait for Chapter 2!

