Reviews for Dream A Little Dream Of Me
poisonanon chapter 17 . 7/10/2009
THIS ENDING MADE ME CRY! D: Poor poor Freddy. All he wanted was a friend. But I LOVE this story! Tis Awesome!
Mousewolf chapter 16 . 10/30/2005
Oh. You know, I never thought I'd say this, but POOR FREDDY. wiffle.


Nikooru-chan chapter 17 . 10/30/2005
Awsome! Great work, I love this idea! Keep up the great work!D
That's What She Said chapter 17 . 6/29/2005
i love your story! This story brought tears to my eyes, I'm defiently going to read the sequel! LOVE THE STORY!
Queen Serenity chapter 1 . 10/4/2004
*glarez* I'm still waiting for a sequel! *checks the favorite stories box and the recommend box before stalking away, steam coming outta her ears*
FireBeWilling chapter 16 . 8/10/2004
Oh. My. God. Go ahead and make me cry, shock! I don't cry what the hell is THIS? I've never felt so attached to a Freddy story before in my entire LIFE and I've written four of them myself. You just BLEW THEM ALL AWAY! Not to mention this was fantastically written; everything is just so perfect I could picture it all, FEEL IT, like I was THERE. Ho shit what I wouldn't give to write like you any day. Why why why do you have such amazing talent! Haha...yes I can be a bit jealous, you must forgive me, but that just proves how GOOD you are! Congratulations on this work of art! Oustanding! Amazing! I bow down to you. You've truly inspired me.
Fly-Bird-NOT-THAT-HIGH chapter 16 . 5/29/2004
awesome fic! creepy. r and r my fic please!
Queen Serenity chapter 16 . 2/28/2004
*shocked* Oh, my God... I really was not expecting that. I'm crying at the end of a Freddy fic, how pitiful is that? This was one of the best fics I've ever written, truly. I'm adding it to my fave story list.
Thank you for writing it.
If you have the time, btw, could you please check out and review some of my stuff?
Nephra chapter 17 . 2/20/2004
great story .. absolutly loved it ... hope to see your others when they come out
CaeElwing chapter 10 . 1/18/2004
wow, wut an amazing story so gonna finish it when i have osm espare time!
_ great writing style, too!
Lickmaflaminlamabitch chapter 17 . 1/15/2004
WOW! This story was deliciouly good! It was like completely full of suspense from beginning to end! DELECTABLE! It made me smack my lips and lick my fingers to the very end!
I never knew it would end in such a way. You know how some first I thought she might kill herself. But Freddy Killed her outta blind rage. Pfft, a whole lot of fat luck it did Freddy for having a bad temper. EITHER WAY YOU SHOWED EVERYTHING FANTASICALLY! The characters and their personalities, especially Freddy's personality. I have been on the drawing board trying to find a way to portray him. And pfft, you juss gave me like a big slap in the face, but that face taught me a lot about a lot. From your writing I will learn much.
You have taken us reviewers on a wild acventure through the crazed minds of the Nightmare King and a deranged little girl. IT WAS SO WOMBO! [wombobetter then the best-est of perfect-est] Plus when you said something about the sequel, I thought I was gonna die in my seat! I mean it wass wonderful you graced us with your awesome writing skills, but to bless us twice with it? EITHER GOD HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS OR YOUR JUSS THAT GOOD OF A WRITER!
Also...I'm honored I was on the following thank-you list! MEWHEHEHEHE! IM HAPPY WITH GLEE! I should really stop wasting my goddamn good reviews on fanfiction net and use them for some quotes they put in back of famous books, or some shit like that. BUT IM NOT, CAUSE YOUR THE BEST DARN TOOTIN WRITER I KNOW! Your even better then, then...erm...A LOT OF WRITERS I'VE READ IN BOOKS! I would miss the biggest review i had to write in the back of a cover, juss to review yours first. MAN YOU ARE JUSS TO NUMBER 1!
Well nuff me makin you blush! Or is it already burned in? LOL. Well can't wait to see ur sequel soon! TTFN!
Toxin Blackheart chapter 17 . 1/15/2004
I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
A great twist with the whole "either way you die," it was something I really didn't expect.
Even when it was over, my mind kept thinking, "Oh man, what's she gonna do for the sequel?"
Haha, now the period of sadly waiting for a fic begins.
But again...AWESOME JOB!
Tuesday Mourning chapter 17 . 1/13/2004
*Sniff* That was so... beautiful... I loved it! Even though one wouldn't think to describe a Nightmare on Elm Street fic as beautiful, but baby, you pulled it off! I loves you so much! Thank you for your story and thanking me in your little Author's Note thingie. I look forward to the sequel! Who!
By the by, "A Little Ray of Sunshine" has a sequel too, "Sleep Now in the Fire." Check it out, if you be so bold... oh! Spooky!
Pmad chapter 17 . 1/13/2004
Hi, have to say i really enjoyed this story. Very thrilling and extremely entertaining!
Can't wait to hear more from you!
Also i love your pen-name!
Raven Odisse chapter 17 . 1/13/2004
OH MY GOD that was the best story EVER
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