Reviews for WAR
Desastrus chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
I've been searching for this story for so long and I finally found it! Before I go back to rereading this, I'd like to tell you how much I enjoyed this story the first time I read it (which was years ago, lol XD;; ) It's truly one of the best stories I've read on this site- made me go through an emotional rollercoaster, heh. -salutes you for writing such an unforgettable piece- And now I'm off to rereading! Have a nice day. :D
vlissan chapter 13 . 12/24/2008
A couple of days ago, I started re-reading fanfictions that impressed me when I read them the first time. As a fanfic-addict I know a lot of fanfictions that I'd like to re-read. I had all the titles saved in one long list, and all of them had their original titles, until I saw a story that I must've called "wow". Curiously, I clicked on it, and then this story happened to be the story I called 'wow'. For a moment I stared at it, suddenly remembering why this story was in my list. I started reading it again, wondering why I hadn't left a review before.

It took me one day to read every detail, every chapter. I could've done it faster, if I didn't read some parts over and over again, just because they were awesome.

I was glued to the computer screen.

After reaching the end, I was both dissapointed (because it ended) and impressed. The end was a very good one.

I can't explain how this story moved me, and how good it really was.

Believe it or not, I actually read it another two times. XD

Thank you for writing this, I'll make sure this story will stay in the list.

PatrioticPuppy chapter 13 . 4/20/2007
T_T Oh my god...all throughout this fic, my gut continued to tell me "Rei's gonna die, Rei's gonna die, oh my god, he's gonna die, I know it!" But I didn't think much of it, considering that in the beginning, it was mostly centric on Kai, Tyson, and Max. Then...Rei dies. And I was half expecting it, so I didn't cry, I just felt sad.

Then...I read chapter 10. And I cried. And then Max died. And I cried some more. Gah, this fic was sad, yet pleasantly so. I absolutely adored it, and it shall remain on my favorite list forever and ever and ever...

You are a fantastic author, and...augh...I can't get over Rei's death, it's just...AUGH! *Hits self and cries* It's so sad! And...I don't really like water, and this reminded me of Titanic and Poseidon...a lot.

*Cannot get over this fic* I'm in love with it. And I love Rei. And Rei death-fics. So, I am one satisfied reader, and I should probably stop rambling now since you are probably scratching your head going, "This chick is crazy," but I totally understand that. For I am a rabid, sadistic Rei fangirl, and I'm proud of it! _

Spazzcat-Katori chapter 13 . 1/3/2007
wow! I have just got to say that this is one of the most

IN-FREAKING-CREDIBLE pieces of fanfiction that it has been my pleasure to read.

Although I do still hate you for killing Rei in such a painful manner.
Spazzcat-Katori chapter 9 . 1/3/2007
OMG! YOU KILLED REI! YOU BASTARD! (and I really mean that!)
Spazzcat-Katori chapter 6 . 1/3/2007
wow! this story is absolutely fan-freaking-tastic!

and with regards to your authors note, 'gomen nasai' basically means 'sorry'
blueXXphoenix chapter 4 . 1/2/2007
that was pure cruelty. i really thought u wer gonna kill kai! but great chapter anyways!

Aperira chapter 13 . 10/1/2006
Wow, this was so well written, in character, and so great! You have an amazing way with words. THis really is an amazing fic. I don't blame you for killing the other characters. It couldn't be helped. I mean, it would be SO out of character if everyone survived. I love it! _
fnb333 chapter 13 . 5/29/2006
Yep read the WHOLE took me a while though *sweatdrops* I really loved how it ended; it just seemed to fit with everything that happened throughout the story.
fnb333 chapter 1 . 5/29/2006
Dude, seriously, if this was a movie, it would have won an oscar! This story is absolutley fantastic!
Sakura-Moonlight chapter 13 . 5/17/2006
I think this is a fabulous story and it's so great you're wasting so much of your time to write this for us. Thanks a lot. I enjoyed this as much as I hoped you enjoyed writing so on behalf of the reviewers, I say:

FIA chapter 13 . 5/16/2006
FIA chapter 11 . 5/16/2006
Max too? Damn you!

Rei's Friend chapter 10 . 5/16/2006

If you dont, I'll do something so terrible to you, you'll regret ever hearing his name!

I'm NOT kidding

(I hate you)
FIA J FRIEND OF BLADEBREAKERS chapter 6 . 5/14/2006
HEY! I listen to Simon and Whats-his-name too ya know! So don't expect me to laugh! And Phil Collins! DONT KILL THE BLADEBREAKERS!
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