Reviews for Foolish
Sunset.Mommy chapter 39 . 6/19/2011
i really liked this story. you mentioned that you were going to do a sequel, but looking through your list, i couldn't find it. could you let me know the name if it, if you did? i would really appreciate it! this is the first story of yours that i've read, but you are a really good writer!
takenbydrama chapter 39 . 8/27/2005

Nami1 chapter 38 . 7/27/2005
Oof. GINNY. Wow, we're getting a lot of problems.

w00t w00t.

lil-sweeti011 chapter 38 . 7/26/2005
it would be great if u made another d&h fic.

hmm. wats happened to ginny? she's not pregnant is she? can't remember

anyway, great chapter. maybe u could continue with something about harry and remus doing...something. ah i wish i could help u out lol

ps: did u read the half-blood prince yet? u probably did. and it's awesome i just finished reading it a few days ago.

pps: maybe u could incorporate something in from the hbp. i don't know. don't listen to me my ideas are boring
lil-sweeti011 chapter 37 . 7/23/2005
i just checked to see if u updated and i was like "YES!" because u did. great chapter! (PS 6th line up from bottom i think u meant to put 'danger' but it says 'dance')
Nami1 chapter 37 . 7/23/2005

How sad.

ohsnaptheresa chapter 36 . 7/16/2005
Y0UR ST0RY FUCKiNG R0CKS ! [dont mind the language] 0MiG0SH ! UPDATE ASAP PLEASE !
lil-sweeti011 chapter 36 . 7/12/2005
hey blacksoul i love your style it's great. u really get the characters personalities really well. keep up the great work! )
Nami1 chapter 36 . 6/13/2005
Wow! It has been so long since I've read this story! From the looks of it, it's been awhile since you've updated it as well. Oh. I have grown interested in it again. Yay.

o0odreamypoet chapter 36 . 6/9/2005
Though this story has short chapters, it doesn't matter because each chapter means a lot than people who write long chapters without a meaning in it. This story chills me and it has suspense. Keep going
xVibrating Spazoid chapter 1 . 5/26/2005
this is so deep shit... i like it get up the great work
lustgoddess chapter 36 . 5/24/2005
hmp. i like it. an interesting writing style but it works well. id like to see how you develope the story. good onya your not a bad writer.
C.C chapter 36 . 5/23/2005
Voldemort is here? Well, that certainly adds more tension to this fic.

Cutie Danica! I hope her Daddy comes to rescue her as soon as possible.

Thanks for the update!
Kalystia chapter 35 . 1/31/2005
this is a great story, very entertaining, I don't ever really feel like I know what is coming up next, which makes it all even better! hope to see more soon! :)
lil-sweeti011 chapter 35 . 12/19/2004
don't worry. u still have many loyal fans..right?

don't worry about that critic
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