Reviews for Shadic's Escape
Midnight chapter 27 . 11/11/2014
This is an amazing story. Really wonderfully written, great character developement, and and excellent story all together. I read this several years ago and I keep hoping to see more!
zephyr the hero chapter 19 . 5/30/2014
I feel bad for Shadic but light speed where is nena?
Anthony t. Hamby chapter 17 . 7/10/2013
Thia,(clearning throut)I mean I think this is good but I think you should make Shadic first kill the girl and GUN, then this is good make Shadic want to find Knuckles and Shadic should absorb Knuckles through Shadic's skin and Shadic will change his name to ShadKnuckic so he will do something else as Shadic's plan(s).
Edwina Elric chapter 8 . 9/26/2012
GrandTheftTARDIS chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
This story is so Kick Ass!
Taeniaea chapter 27 . 3/25/2012
cool story
GrandTheftTARDIS chapter 27 . 2/10/2012
You... write... no... more? !
Hypersoniconic chapter 27 . 8/17/2011
I forgort to put this in my last review but if you need my help light speed I'm free anytime,except from when I'm at high school
Hypersoniconic chapter 27 . 8/17/2011
How many more chapters are you going to write because I love this story and all of the charecters in it, except for sam and rain, and since it's so good, can I make a video and upload it on youtube?
Hypersoniconic chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
When Shadic was created did she had any clothes on?
jyjytjfygjrdthjuftj chapter 27 . 5/14/2008
Captain Fluffles chapter 27 . 2/5/2008
Wow, you practically turned the emeralds energy into a science here. I'm impressed. I'm still reading, so I can only hope you continued someday. For now I'll just check up every so often, it strikes me as a "still going, but still slow" progress wise, I do the same thing. I still like this. Good luck in college and stuff.

So good job! Yay
mm chapter 27 . 12/31/2007
i give up. your obviously arn't going to write...
mm chapter 27 . 8/23/2007
i give up on u
mm chapter 27 . 8/10/2007
hurry up. ):
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