Reviews for Trial by Legend
Bear chapter 29 . 10/29/2015
Good story too bad it doesn't seem like your writing anymore
musa lover chapter 22 . 12/29/2011
So funny! I LOVED Michelle's reactions and the pokesmons and when matt said mush be trainig. sooooooooo funny.
musa lover chapter 7 . 12/28/2011
awesome battle. i love this story. it's quit different and not overdone. Also i love how in your author notes you engage your reasder. love it. keep up the good work :)
musa lover chapter 2 . 12/28/2011
I love how robin's personaily is similar to Houndour. But just an idea, can you not make her catch a new pokemon in every chapter? it's really good and i can't wait to read the rest. I would leave a longer review, but i just want to read the rest. also you spelt which witch. don't worry i make mistakes ALL the time so don't worry about it. I was just pointing it out so you can make your writing even better thaan it already is.
musa lover chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
Typical over protective mother. i really like this story. you really captured the siilarites between siblings and the differences. i reslly liked it.
Teraunce chapter 29 . 12/22/2008
I like this story alot, too bad it's unfinished and most likely dead. for what's there, i give a 13/10. faved & alerted just in case.
WyldClaw chapter 3 . 10/26/2008
That was awful what those two boys were doing to poor little Bo. At least Beowulf stopped them and Robin caught a new pokemon.

That's interesting how Raven caught his pokemon. A pokemon writer sounds like fun to me.

What adventures will Raven and Robin have in goldenrod?

funny that both trainers are named after types of birds and they have bird pokemon on their teams
WyldClaw chapter 2 . 7/11/2008
Awesome! Robin caught a pidgey and an ariados plus she won her first trainer battle!
Typhlosion chapter 29 . 9/27/2007
Update. Pleeaase. I want to know what Pierce is planing. Please.
PenguinPuu25 chapter 29 . 5/18/2006
yay! xD thats a cute story! but OMG its been like a freakin year since that update! D: come on man...i wanna know what happeneds...ive read the other stories you have and they are very good
PenguinPuu25 chapter 6 . 5/17/2006
its cute xD you know there gonna end up with there travling partners xDD;; anyway...about the money...i think you miss read the game boy or whatever you originally start of with $30 but you could of changed that up depending..its your story...but the trainers are giving her like $60 o_O thats a bit much hm? if your going by thr gameboy you have to move the deimal over 2 times to get the ammount you the poke'balls robin buys for instance would be %7.50 not $75 :P poke'balls aint that expensive o_o;; beside that, good job :D its a cute story and it has a ton of im happy xD

ZodiacKitten chapter 6 . 1/5/2006
You arn't alone in the 'I'm-a-girl-and-hate-shopping-for-clothes' department, Robin.
Flawed Harmony chapter 29 . 10/22/2005
Hi! I really Like your fic! Especially Beowulf - he's adorable! And Fang is just totally nutty! He's kept me laughing the whole way!

I've been following this fic for a while now, but this is the first time, i think, that i've remembered to leave a review... Sorry about that... .; *scratches the back of her head sheepishly*

I've really enjoyed reading this fic and added it to my faves list. Hope you don't mind. Also, would you mind if i saved this fic to a floppy disk and added it to my personal archive/hoard? I really need to flesh out the pokemon section... If you want to you can e-mail me and let me know, ok?

Keep up the great work, and i hope you update really soon!

~Ice-chan. XD
Typhlosion chapter 29 . 8/19/2005
FRIGGIN' UPDATE ALREADY! If not, I'll start to act like Sanzo and shoot everything! Only thing is, I don't have anything to shoot with,
mika-chan chapter 29 . 7/14/2005
i like this story. very cute, but where's the romance? huh? sorry i am a romantic at heart but i wouldn't mind seeing Raven and RObin getting a little closer! hehe sorry! but you do write very well and everything is expertly detailed! so post another chapter and sooN!
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