Reviews for Keep Yourself Alive
0 chapter 1 . 6/13/2009
Alviniju chapter 13 . 1/15/2009
If you could do another sequel here is how the summary would occur

" It is has been 200 years since mikoto died and darkness has once more engulfed git when a decedent of zidane remembers the eight's story they have been summoned to once more protect their world
Rabid Biscuit chapter 13 . 2/3/2008
You really like Queen, don't you? Epic.
Arisu chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
Great character development through dialogue!
Some Random Reviewer chapter 13 . 10/6/2006
You updated! YES! This makes my day! Or rather, it made my day a week or so ago. I saw the update the day you put it up, and was fully intent on finishing it. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. But, I've found the time. I'm glad my review inspired you. But don't question your talent as a writer. Composition and fanfiction are two different areas, in my mind. You're an excellent writer. And don't you forget it. Now, on to the story!

The first thing I have to say is that the ending is a little too rushed. I understand the logic behind eveything. The genomes returning to Terra to get out of the blast radius and such. Don't gt me wrong, you've got the emotions down to perfection. The ending was really touching, even if everyone's dead. In truth, I didn't see that coming. I saw Mikoto finding a way to disable Kamikaze outright, or take on some of Zidane's abilities instead. However, this was so much better. The loophole makes much more sense.

I do have to say that sliding in Seth and Kashiya like you did was a mistake. Not including them would have been bad, but you never included their thoughts as they watched Mikoto blow herself up. That's a problem, as they should have been pushing their way through the crowd, trying to get to their friends. Niya was a good perspective to mention, but so were Seth and Kashiya. They didn't even cry! They were more like a means to get her buried instead of thrown to the dogs.

Also, Ryuu proposing to Mikoto through a letter? Very sweet. It's a nice touch to set up their deaths. Although I wish Seth and Karshiya could have commented on the ring. No one else noticed it. It would just be a nice thing to mention as Seth and Karshiya picked her up.

Seems I started from the end, and worked to the beginning. Still, the gypsy did serve as a way to communicate the loophole. I would have thought this would get divided into several chapters, as I think it could have been added to. Or maybe not. Rushed or not, it has its own charm. Although I wish Kirai hadn't died. I liked the dragon part's, dying to get Mikoto to Ryuu. Sad, but sweet. I just wish mikoto had thrown a Flare at the battleships as vengence. She should have made them pay first.

At any rate, don't make a sequel. All the original characters are dead, and everything's well in the world. All the loose ends have been tied, and everything has turned out for the better. I'm quite pleased with the finished product, and an anxiously awaiting Taming The Lion. I stand by what I said before: you're an excellent writer. Just compare your stories to everyone else's. This may not have been your best chapter to date, but it's still a heck of a lot better than most of the fanfics out there. And it's got to be the best Mikoto fic. Besides, you've been away for a while. You're entitled to a few mistakes. In fact, I'm amazed you're still this good after your hiatus. I know when I take a break from my writing, it suffers.

Congratulations on a successful return. Welcome back.
FFlover chapter 13 . 10/2/2006
the ending seemed a bit rushed, but all in all I enjoyed it! Way to go!
Robshi chapter 13 . 10/2/2006
OMG you actually finished the story!

It was pretty sad to see Mikoto and Ryuu die at the end, but now they're reunited in heaven or whatever afterlife they are in. At least she didn't do Garland's bidding.

What happened to the Genomes that were gathering at Shimmering Isle? You didn't really explain that much.

Another thing, why is Stiltzkin still around? Shouldn't he have died of old age by now?

Well, this was a brilliant story and it is a shame to see it come to an end. I hope you do some more FF9 fanfiction in the future!
GLZidane chapter 13 . 9/25/2006
Thank you for FINALLY finishing this story lol! You are a great story teller and truly have the knack for writing endings (I'm a sucker for a powerful happy ending) I hope the two of us can manage an online story together someday. You can read my story, Final Fantasy IX: the Forever Prophecy, and let me know if im worthy of writing with you:-)) Can't wait to see what else you have in store. Seeya
kerricarri chapter 13 . 9/24/2006
The ending seems a bit rushed...way too rushed. One moment was the most climatic moment of the fic and then-well...boom, it's all over. -_-; But I have to say...Kuja's part in the ending was so heartwarming! I love that guy...and seeing him and Zidane all comforting and being "voices in her head" was so nice...okay, I'm rambling now. But I still do think the ending was rushed. Also, there's a lot of loose ends...and what the heck! The transition between Mikoto dying and her "awakening" again was too abrupt.

And I thought that Kash and Seth were going to provide Mikoto a ship earlier...? Instead, it was Sasha! So yes, that was one loose end. Em...the random bombshell you dropped on us when the genomes were heading for Shimmering Islands? Yep, that was a total surprise; didn't see that one coming.

All in all, this last chappie was very nice, but it seems you were in a bit too much of a hurry to end the fic. -_-; And yet the twist of Garland's, Zidane's, and Kuja's voices being heard was nice to read about.

Hm...all in all, very nice and fluffy, and I love the whole "break into Limblum escapay" with Kirai (yay for dragons!) but I wish there were epilogue? That'd be nice; just to tie up loose ends. What happens to Mikoto's newfound friends, a little oversight on what happens after Mikoto dies. Let see...Mikoto's funeral-plus, Kash and Seth totally just came out of nowhere! Meh...all in a day's work, I suppose...

But that "heaven" place Mikoto finds herself in at the very end...that scene was so touching.
Some Random Reviewer chapter 12 . 3/24/2006


God. THIS IS AMAZING! This story and its prequel are absolutely incredible! They are both original, and gripping to boot! You've come up with new elements, and completely given the word "Trance" a whole new level of destruction. Mikoto, a walking time bomb? I'm sure that's never been done before. All I can say is this fic is a breath of freh air.

Unfortuatly, this fic seems to suffering from the same problem as Taming the Lion, another fic I am a fan of. You can't seem to give the readers some king of closure to these stories. One of the worst thing an author can do their readers is stop a masterpiece without warning, and leave their fans grasping at straws. Oh, and when I said masterpiece, I meant it in every sense of the word. You gave us a cliffhanger, you evil people! I'm glad the prequel was finished, but how can just leave something completely new, set 500 years after the game, capture so many people's attention, AND THEN GIVE IT UP?

Seriously, if I knew where you lived, I tie you to a chair, set you in front of a computer, and wouldn't let you go until you finished another chapter, and let people know the fic is alive.

(Shoves alter ego back into his cage)

Sorry. Some Random Fanboy escaped again. Damn, I'm reading too many good fics. I can't keep the guy under lock and key...

Anyway, I really hate to be a pain, but I'd like to get some kind of closure to your fics. Seriously, you obviously knew where to go after this chapter. Mitoko just revealed her secret, and has to tell everyone! How can you not want to write that? I can understand Taming the Lion, but this? Seriously, I can't imagine even writer's block keeping you from this. It's these fics that are set in the future that keep me guessing at every turn. Like Black Legacies from the Legend of Dragoon section. (Seriously, if you've played the game, this is a must read. And if you haven't played the game, what are you waiting for? It's a classic PSX game.)

Whew, that was long. But worth it. I know you have your own lives, but please give these fics some kind of ending! I know it's been over half a year, but it's not too late to start! I'll be keeping an eye out for this fic!
Greater Beast Zelas Metallium chapter 12 . 12/5/2005
Great sequel for a beautiful fanfic! I love the way Mikoto is the protagonist... in the game I felt she had so little attention... but this fic is just great! I really love it... I hope you post more soon n_n
Sephy-kun's girl chapter 12 . 11/13/2005
Just so ya know, I'm really FFLover, but I had to change my name when I registered. Anyways, I'm watching for an update...any day now...please?
Puck of Cleyra chapter 12 . 9/3/2005
Sorry for the late Review! I review as often as you update! Just kidding. This was a really good chapter though. I hope Ryuu dosn't get fired for ditching. and i know seth will find out. sooner or later. but I smell a small expedition coming up. and i think another dream sequence once they reach the desert palace.

I better stop trying to guess and start praying you will update soon! but i tell all the authors that i review i love to see magic and you make a practicle use of it. That is why I love your story. and this one is turning out to be as good as the first. (except i read the first one once it was finished not waitning for updates!) oh well i guess i will see the next chapter soon!
Rudolf The Red Nosed Assassin chapter 12 . 7/26/2005
GAH!MUST!READ!MORE!Awesome fic, really love it, no, ya didn' mak me cry, but you got me fired up, i even started turnin pink when i read about Vivi, sorry, wandered off topic..heh .! No really. Awsome fic *kneels and worships* PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
FFlover chapter 12 . 7/16/2005

I almost thought you had given up on the story. I just about didn't read this story. I was looking at other stories when I noticed that instead of 11 chapters in this story, there were 12!

Once again you have managed to add another wonderful chapter.

But remeber this, wait that long to update again (not to mention make me think that you weren't gonna finish the story), AND I WILL GO ON A FRIGGIN' STRIKE!

(FYI that means keep up the good work)

Kuja forever!
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