Reviews for Blue Requiem
DW Yoru Okami chapter 1 . 2/28/2005
O_O Woah... Very cool.
adele4 chapter 1 . 12/12/2004
Yea! finally rules the world! *I* always knew he would!

Hem, anyway... Not sure if you’r still cheeking review for this, but great fic! My favourite part is the little pause before “Puzzle”. Hmm...
Yami No Marik chapter 1 . 8/6/2004
This is great. I like the stories when Yami Bakura or Marik win..
Azremodehar chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
*grin* The Azy likes. The Azy likes your other fics too, but she is lazy. Seriously though, I do like, very much. Your writing style kinda reminds me of my own...
Raksha666 chapter 1 . 3/12/2004
That was so majorly cool!Oh the Bakura-ness!Dang!If it's even possible he seems even hotter and cooler after that!
silverscissors chapter 1 . 2/18/2004
what can i say?
simply marvellous!
just the right twist on the YGO plot!
hail2baky chapter 1 . 11/30/2003
O! so col! luv it! just the way YuGiOh is supposed to be: the Thief King rules all!
Phylum Anxiousum chapter 1 . 10/7/2003
Lauren-Yes, foolish mortals.

Laurel-You are a mortal.

Lauren-Oh yea_ I forgot. Well I have to say I am foolishly in love with MY Bakura!{Noyice the word MY, mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine, MINE!}

Laurel-Yea. Well good chapter. just wanted to tell you that.

Boku no Jakuishi chapter 1 . 9/28/2003
*cocks an eyebrow* Definitely a story that will catch someone's attention immediately. Yami no Bakura actually prevailing in his quest to get all of the Sennen Items.

It's nice to know someone actually wrote a fanfiction about it... I guess the spirit of the Sennen Ring doesn't lie after all.

Good write.

-Our name is Cyn, we are the Karma Delivery Girl-
Half Past Crazy chapter 1 . 8/16/2003
Oh...he's right, they are pretty. Ahem...I liked this story. Um, bye!
Dragon Wings II chapter 1 . 8/12/2003
It's Yami no Bakura! *glomps* Thought you'd forgotten him entirely for Yami no Malik, the poor thing! Lost and abandoned...

Yami no Bakura: Without Neko-chan working the puppet strings, probably better off...

XP Well, I'M glad you haven't forgotten about him!

Very interesting fic. The nice thing about fanfiction is that yes, the villains can actually win. I love the cold, triumphant glee in this, it makes me...grin...and cackle. And cheer. It flaunts his evilness well. XD

Silly Baku-chan. But we still luff him, ne? _

(I'm sorry about being gone these few days! I was _not_ ignoring my Neko-chan-sama on purpose! And I'm not even going to allow the dignity of me explaining how evil it was to me. *brat-like glare*)

~ DW
animefan chapter 1 . 8/10/2003
erm...that was good, but bakura was just a little phycotic. good anyway.
Fate VII chapter 1 . 8/4/2003
Shibby. V. shibby. *dances* Hey, I believed him!
R Amythest chapter 1 . 8/3/2003
.,.strange, sadistic, and wonderfully writeen. I love it!

.,.although I have seen a few numerous ones like it. Or at least where Bakura gets all 7 Millennium Items.

Loved it!
Taiga chapter 1 . 8/3/2003
Bakura i e. I really like how you write as him. The fic was a bit freaky... I'm not sure why, but Bakura reminded me of Gollum from "The Hobbit". Maybe Gollum is to the One Ring as Bakura is to the Sennen Items... you know, minus the "my precious" part.

Ignore me and my weird mind...

Anyway, I enjoyed the fic. You should write more fics with Bakura in them.
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