Reviews for Metamorphosis
Guest chapter 20 . 3/14/2013
Where is chapter 21?
Mirage flower chapter 20 . 11/3/2012
GOD! THIS IS AWESOME! Hey, this is Mirage flower! I love this fic. Ya know, there aren't that many GOOD gender bent fanfics these days but yours is just AMAZING. My preferred gender bent character is actually Sora because it isn't that hard to imagine as one right? Right?
progamer0x16 chapter 20 . 9/24/2012
I just realized something! After reading your awesome story like 50 times I noticed that Tifa isn't in here! Why isn't she here yet? Are you gonna use her later? And another thing... PLEASE UPDATE! I really want to know what happens next! Its killing me! :( (see how many exclamation points I used?)
progamer0x16 chapter 18 . 9/24/2012
I just realized something! After reading ur awesome story like 50 times I found that Tifa isn't in here! Y? r u gonna use her later? And another thing PLEASE UPDATE! I wanna know what happens next! Sorry but I'm really impatient... :(
funkyfan chapter 4 . 9/24/2012
Your story has inspired me to write again… Thank you
progamer0x16 chapter 20 . 9/19/2012
To b honest, I completely love this story! I can't get enough of it. My only problem is that it isn't finished yet... :'(
Taco Luver chapter 20 . 7/10/2012
PUH-LEESE! I'm begging you! UPDATE! I lub this story soooo much! (I'm using a ton of exclamation points, aren't I.)
Sunny Lighter chapter 20 . 6/30/2010
Are you going to include Roxas in this, just out of curiosity
kez-chan chapter 20 . 1/15/2010
Ah! OMG! *screams* you updated you updated you updated YAY! *glomps and hugs you*

Wow it felt so good to read more of this story finally, and I didn't even wait as long as some other people who have read this, I am so glad you updated.

I will be patiently (yeah right) awaiting chapter 21, in the mean time...*strokes Yuki* pretty kitty X3
kez-chan chapter 1 . 12/28/2008
do you know how long it took me to read this friggin story? four friggin hours gr. i absolutely loved it but after reading the whole thing in one sitting the fact that you hadnt finished it or updated it in years drove me crazy... so i got my note book out and wrote my own ending just so i could sleep. and i finished it in four pages dont worry though i wont put it on the site its your story you should finish it but i want you to do it you dont have to do another 19 chapters you know theres a short cut in there i found it
kez-chan chapter 19 . 12/26/2008
ok ok ok BRING RIKU BACK! sorry now thats out of my system do me a favour would you. write the rest ok whats up did you get writers block? i know the feeling . one thing. i know you already said that riku is a prince of heart but what if his feelings for sora became so strong it caused him to become the king of hearts come on you know its the right thing to do id do it but you havent written anything in years but you have so many people wanting you to write more. AND COME ON YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE TO MAKE RIKU TO KING OF HEARTS. JUST DO IT ALREADY! PLEASE!
kez-chan chapter 13 . 12/26/2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!soz just finished reading part 13 i love riku and sora pairing they're alway's so funny and sweet.
kez-chan chapter 9 . 12/26/2008
i love this chapter stop dissing your own work ok i like it
kez-chan chapter 7 . 12/26/2008
oh come on change riku back! what did he turn himself into a cat for anyway? show off he he
kez-chan chapter 3 . 12/26/2008
heh good story so far. i just love it when authors have conversations with the charactors at the end of a chapter, it makes them seem real(and its always a laugh to read_
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